Do you want to read a lot of books, but lack the motivation to take action? Then, Get motivated by discovering the benefits of reading a lot of books now!
Everybody knows that reading books is good but how beneficial is it? especially when you read a lot of books? that is the question!
Is there any difference between reading books and reading a lot of them?
What are the Advantages and disadvantages ( if any) of reading a lot of books?
This is what this article is about.
To understand the importance of reading, see the image below. it’s a bit funny and on a lighter note but conveys the point very well.
Experience the great benefits of reading a lot of books.
The purpose of is grow readers and bookworms in the world to make it a better place.
To accomplish that goal, I will help you develop a reading habit on which I will write later, that how you can develop a reading habit?*
But today let me motivate you to decide on yourself that you must develop that habit.
So I will share you the stories of popular celebrities and important personalities from present as well as form the past
The books he has written are sold in millions. He says that all that became possible due to his habit of reading a lot.
You can get an idea of how much he reads by imaging him reading at Red Sox games
Mark Cuban
You might have seen him at Shark Tank, a popular TV show on entrepreneurship. He treats business as a most difficult sport that you have to play 24/7. He says that to be competitive in the sport of business you must read.
He personally read more than three hours a day.
He credits his first breakthrough in his career to reading books and gaining cutting edge knowledge to stay ahead of the game.
Recently, he was learning about machine learning, and artificial intelligence to get some first hand knowledge. All that, so he can invest after knowing about the basics of these concepts.
Although, he can hire a professional to guide him about the ins and outs of any feild, he still prefers to know things for himself. And this is what makes an ordinary guy the Mark Cuban.
Bill gates
Notice the pattern: He is one of the richest man on earth — And one of the most reading man on earth.
He reads one book every week, which compounds to make 50 books a year. That is a lot of books. He prefers real books over eBooks.
He is been reading since he was a little kid. Reading was his primary source of his learning. And despite of all the technology and the exposure he has available today, reading is still the main source of learning new things for him.
Elon musk
Elon is consciously reading books since he was just 9 years old. He describes himself as a “bookwormy” kid.
And when he was young, he reads upto two books a day, or upto ten hours a day.
He credits his knowledge of rockets to his love of books.
Charlie Munger
He is the right hand man of the famous book lover, warren buffett. He says that he spends his most of the day just reading and thinking. He loves that lifestyle.
Oprah Winfrey
CNN, and the American Spectator classified Winfrey as the most powerful and influential women in the world.
And she is also known for his love for books, because she has been sharing her reviews and recommendations on books for years. You can use her library to get a recommendation.
Mark Zuckerberg
The CEO of Facebook took a challenge recently to finish one book every week. He shared what he is reading with his followers. This was definitely not the first time he was reading.
He used an interesting terminology: Media diet. This refers to everything that you consume on media. It includes, TV, social media, films and theater.
If you compare books vs other media, he believes, books give you the most immersive experience. So, if you really want to understand something, read books on that.
I have written a detailed post on books vs TV, read that post to understand the importance of books versus other Media diet.
One of the richest men, and a caring person who cares about the health of the children in underdeveloped countries.
He is also a bookworm, and classifies books as the best resource to understand any topic.
He also share his book reviews on his website,
Jeff Bezos
The richest man on earth! Plus, his wealth is still growing at a rapid speed. All his business was grown on the passion of reading books.
He sold books. He read books to be competitive and to future proof his business.
Warren buffett
Buffett spends his most of the day reading booking and polishing his knowledge. He says the knowledge is like money. It compounds overtime.
LeBron James
If you think, reading is not for athletes, think again! Reading books also athletes like LeBron to get their mind refreshed. Lebron is also found telling other players to try reading and see the difference themselves.
Read more
Use the references given at the end of this article to read more about these successful people and you will know that these are also avid readers.
Sheryl Sandberg
Reese Witherspoon
Sarah Jessica Parker
David Rubenstein
Phil Knight
Abraham Lincoln
Theodore Roosevelt
Winston Churchill
Queen Elizabeth I
Albert Einstein
Jane Austen
Did you notice?
The one thing That the most successful people have in common is they are highly knowledgeable a and all the credit goes to books, actually a lot of books!
Last Thoughts:
I plan to write more about reading. Future posts will include types of reading*
Now when you fully Understand the importance of reading a lot of books, you must want to do it for yourself.
so read this article on how to read a lot more books this year.*
Books VS TV: Books for growth, TV for disabled. Credits and more info
If you are really passionate about learning, you will quickly find that, although watching TV is also informational, but its benefits are nowhere near to reading books. So, books should be your preferred source of learning. Of course, TV is not a bad source if you are dedicated to learn. But it is not the best either.
Here is my story…
I love to improve myself every day. I am passionate about self-help topics which range from fitness to business. They are a lot of them. I want to improve my life and be a better person with every passing day.
Now If I compare TV and Books, and see which one fulfills my purpose most effectively and efficiently, I can confidently say that Books are far better than the learning I got from TV.
But before stating the reasons, you should be aware that nowadays, TV is not just limited to traditional Cable or satellite TV. It also includes YouTube, Facebook and other similar internet services.
The Advantages of reading over TV
A conscious decision puts you in control
Watching TV is not as conscious as reading a book. Let us admit that we do not turn the TV on to learn. I mean, Learning is not our first priority when we watch TV. Rather, it is a second priority. While surfing from first channel to the last, we get infotainment, not education.
We use books after we consciously decide to learn. This first step that we take in our mind make all the difference later.
Better Retention of the Knowledge that you learn
And the education that is very dilute already gets further ineffective due to the lack of our consciousness.
The decision to read book consciously helps you to retain information better until you apply it.
Intention of improvement, not Entertainment
The programs that are made for TV, are designed to get you hooked, so that you watch ads. Same is true for YouTube. They do not want to bore you with some dense information which prompts you to change the channel. The intention of creating TV programs is to entertain first and inform later. Books primarily do not care whether you get hooked or get bored. They are written with an intention of improvement of the reader. Because the writer is rewarded when people find a better change in their life.
knowledge is the product, not yourself.
On TV Knowledge is not the product being consumed, you are the product. You give you time to see the ads.
You buy the books and the knowledge and experience of the author. Here, knowledge is product, for which you pay.
They offer complete solution
TV is only for fun, or sometimes motivation. It does not guide you to the end, but just shows you those bits that are interesting to see, so that you do not switch the channel. Let us take an example of learning survival skills. There are different shows on Discovery and National Geographic channel that are based on survival in the wild. They are entertaining; no doubt about that. But do they equip the viewer with necessary skills to survival if they fall into such situations. No, It is not Possible.
Books are complete. They start from point A to point B. They guide you through the journey. And do not leave you hanging.
Let me Explain… Say, you want to learn survival skills. If you buy a book, you will be completely guided from all kinds of dangers and their solutions. They are specific books on each survival technique. I mean survival in the forest is different than the survival in the arctic. I am sure there will be even specific books that will only focus on protein sources — How to get them? and how to consume them safely?, for example, how to use rodents as a protein source in a survival situation. So, if you buy a book on survival skills then you will be guided completely.
Wisdom, not just surface kwnolege.
TV is just surface knowledge. There are no details. Or boring stuff.
Books provide you with the in-depth knowledge from the authoritative sources. Sometimes books are boring to read and sometimes challenging, but they help you to actually improve yourself.
Solution of information overload
In this era of information overload, TV causes more problems by providing diluted information rather than concentrated knowledge and wisdom.
Books stand tall even in this era of information overload. Once you spend some time reading books, you will feel elevated from your previous level in your life.
Learning, that is effective
There are a lot of distractions and options while you are watching TV, so even you learn something from TV it does not stay in your mind for long and hence it is less likely that you will actually implement this knowledge.
Books are a effective way of learning because what you learn from a book, you remember it. It is because you spend exclusive time that is without any distractions, on reading. This increases the chances of implementing that knowledge.
Increases your ability to focus
According to Dandapani, a Monk who spoke in TEDx talk about unwavering focus, what you practice is what you become good at. So if you watch TV daily your brain will be trained to be distracted. This causes you to lose focus and concentration. These qualities are necessary for achieving anything valuable. The habit of reading books increases your ability to focus And concentrate. So what you learn you are most likely to implement because of the focus and undivided attention you can have on any object or goal.
Makes you more patient
TV causes short attention span. It makes you impatient. Book helps you practice focusing for long time. Reading books requires more discipline and patience than watching TV
TV is fun, Books are useful.
If you are like me, then you are interested in knowing how things are made. Now, there are two options where you can learn about this. One, you can watch how it is made program or you can read books on how a particular thing is made? If you learn from TV, it will be helpful, no doubt. But, it will be just a good start. To understand how things are made, you need to read books to understand each product or system separately. It is a lot of work and requires focus. But, it pays off well. The knowledge you get this way is far more effective. And will help you do something constructive in your life later.
Makes you a Master, not the jack of all trades.
We are living in an era of population explosion where there is a huge demand of specialists and experts. But the information from TV does not make us experts. It makes us jack of all trades and master of none. The books on the other hand make us experts in a niche. This make our lives more effective by targeting our energies to a focus point and creating a better change in that specific area.
Right way to satisfy curosity
Our learning is derived by the curiosity we have in our minds to know the hidden truth. TV satisfies that curiosity by providing us surface knowledge, but still we remain ignorant about the real issues and depth of the topic. This is bad in two folds. One, the information we got is not useful. Second, our curiosity has now died, and remember, it was the driving force. But if we make a habit of satisfying our curiosity with the knowledge from book, we will get better knowledge that is useful and effective. It will be difficult to find the right book and to read it. But the effort will pay off well.
Productive use of precious Time
TV passes your time. And remember time is not something you should pass. TV is free but costs you time which is the most valuable thing in this world.
Books are not free but give you years of experience in few hours. They save a lot of time which is invaluable. Book reading is a hobby that makes productive use of your precious time.
A way of doing hardwork for something you value.
Leave all other things… Just think for a moment. All the valuable things in your life are earned with effort. And watching TV does not require an effort. It is easy on your nerves. So, it does not create anything valuable. Books are tough to read, as they require conscious effort. It is hard on your nerves. So, it creates something valuable. They elevate your standards of life in one way or the other.
Improves Reasoning and language skills
TV also improves your reasoning skills by improving your vocabulary. But you will mostly learn slang and common man’s language. It is helpful in conveying your point in layman’s language. Books improves reasoning by providing you more words. The words you learn here are mostly used by knowledgeable persons. They elevate your language skills and help you connect with more knowledgeable persons. This sets you on a path of learning and improving.
Improves problem solving skills
TV also helps you in problem solving but when compared to Books it is less. This is a subjective observation that may be different for you. Books improves your problem solving skills due to two reasons. 1) They help you better understand and imagine a problem. 2) They help you better communicate with other stakeholders.
Improves imagination skills
TV hypnotizes you with constantly changing images and sounds. It does not force you to imagine things. Everything is shown in a video format and there is no task for your brain to process. So, it is useful but in a different way. I mean if you want to understand something then watching it directly will be far more effective than imagining it. Use video for clear understanding and Books for better imagination and thinking skills. Books improves your imagination skills by letting you practice imagination. You read words and imagine a scene in your mind. You do it over and over again and this exercise makes you a better imaginator, and hence a better thinker.
A better end of the day which guaranttes better future
TV causes headaches and eye strain, especially if you watch it at night. If you watch TV before sleeping your sleep quality decreases due to decreased melatonin levels. This results in poor performance during daytime. Hence, it overall decreases your effectiveness. (I have written in detail how blue light exposure effects melatonin production. See that article here) Reading books at night using yellow or warm color light is the second best thing you can do before sleeping. (The best one being sleeping in total darkness and not exposing yourself to any light half an hour before sleeping.) It helps you relax and unwind your brain and prepare it for a deep sleep.
And after having a great good night sleep, you will wake up feeling fresh, and handle the daily tack proactively. It will guarantee your success in your career and personal life.
A better start of the day for the right mindset
Starting your day with TV is also not good, as it will put you in a passive mindset where you will be consuming and not creating something. See… It takes some metal and physical effort to create something useful and if you start your day with rest, there are very high chances that you will never achieve the state of flow (link). But if you start with creating something, it is more likely that you will do more thing in that same 24 hours. Reading books is better than TV. It requires some mental effort to read and process information. It lets you imagine things. Hence, this habit puts you in a right mindset where you are working. And when you are in flow state you will do more work.
They are healthy food, not the junk food.
TV has more fluff and less meat. As their first priority is to keep you hooked, they use different psychological tactics like catchy headlines, thrilling music, and if you also consider YouTube, there are click bait which seems so urgent but in reality they do not make any difference in your life. Books are more meaty and less fluffy. They do not intent to keep you hooked, rather they want you to be a better person. They want to bring a change in you. In terms of nutrition, you can call TV Fast food or junk food. And books are healthy food. Not so tasty. Not so easy. But so much healthy.
A right thing, that is also done right!
If you watch TV thinking that you can quickly grasp knowledge form here then you are wrong. TV is not for fast learning; It is for poor learning. As they say: First, do right things, then do things right. Think about it. Do things right refers to choosing what to do, what to learn. It is about the effectiveness of the task. When you watch TV, you actually do not learn. So, the second part is pointless, that is, it does not matter how quickly you do it.
And doing things right refers to how efficiently or quickly you learn that. Reading books is a right thing that is also done right. Reading books for learning and improvement is effective and efficient way.
Makes you wise and effective, not lazy and crazy!
TV makes you lazy and crazy. Lazy because you practice inaction, and crazy because you have a lot of meaningless information which decreases your ability to think clearly. Books makes you wise and effective. Wise because, You have meaningful information that you can utilize in solving real life problems and effective because you practice focus and discipline which helps you actually implement that knowledge for something better
It is not a shortcut.
TV is a shortcut, but the problem is shortcuts don’t work. Reading books simply works because of the right mindset and the right knowledge. By right mindset I mean that the person reading books is dedicating his uninterrupted time because he wants to do something important, So he gets right knowledge and then implement it.
It is Active working, not passive relaxation
TV is passive and relaxing and puts you in a state of inaction. Reading is active working, as it consumes brain power and requires consent.
Topics are unlimited
TV covers a short range of topics. You are limited here because it may often happen that you want to learn something and there is no show on that topic on TV or on YouTube But everything is in books. They cover all the topics. Books are being writing since all the history. You can find anything you want in books. Even those things that are not yet on TV or on YouTube.
My confession:
Although I understand the benefits of the books and disadvantages of TV, I still spend a lot of time watching TV and YouTube etc. But I am shifting towards more and more books and less and less TV. Join me during the journey and share your experiences.
I will also write about how to start reading more books.
Why I am sharing this confession with you is to tell you that if you do not read books right now, then do not worry, just understand the importance of books and gradually you will find yourself being attracted toward books more often. Admitting the mistake is the first step towards improvement.
An Important Note:
Not all the TV shows are same. And all the books are not same as well. There are good TV shows and bad books. It is better to watch a good TV show than to read a bad book.
The best book stand for large textbooks is the one that holds your say, law or Medical Books, at the right ergonomic position to prevent your neck pain. Plus, It should be adjustable to enable reading on your sofa or bed in a comfortable position, so that you can study longer. Read further, if you agree.
This post is for those who want to read for longer periods, but their large textbooks are a problem. Usually, Medical and Law textbooks are that big. When you hold those big books they cause stress to your hands and Neck.
But here are the solutions:
First, let’s discuss the best option, which is a bit expensive, then I will list relatively cheaper options with some limitations.
1. The best book stand for large textbooks is Levo
The Best book stand for reading Large textbooks is a floor stand that you can keep anywhere you want in your home. It is called LEVO.
If you want to read in a sitting posture or in a lying down posture, you can do so with this stand. You can adjust the angle of the books according to your preference.
Read in comfort in the overhead position. When you are laying flat you can adjust the book in a horizontal position, and the page will face towards you.
In a sitting posture, you can adjust the books at the perfect height so that, longer reading sessions do not any pain in the neck. Plus, a slight tilt to the angle will be more comfortable for you.
Works on any side — whether you want to read on your left side or right, this book stand works perfectly.
You can read completely hands-free as there are also page holder knobs at the bottom which hold the pages at every angle. they exert just the right amount of pressure such that it is easier to turn the pages but the pages are held firmly without causing any harm to your textbook.
Your books stay protected. It does not damage the spine or the pages of the book.
Stands sturdy – Do not shake. It is a heavy-duty book stand that holds books without any shake. It is a good thing it is not usually available. See, if you make a stand adjustable, every joint will make it more prone to shakes. But this one is opposite to the usual belief. It is very sturdy yet very much adjustable!
It is very easy to attach books to the stand. Thanks to the Velcro mechanism. Just place the book on the stand and tighten each side with the Velcro. Now your book is not going anywhere.
If you are reading at night, then note that, page turning is completely silent, but changing the book causes some noise.
There are two models of Levo bookholder. To check that, know pros and cons, read a summary of customer reviews and to check its alternatives, see my detailedLevo book holder review
2. Adjustable book stand doubles as a Laptop stand
This portable table is also a great reading stand for large text books.
You can read comfortably in your sofa or bed, by adjusting the legs accordingly.
The angle of the table can be adjusted, which helps in prevention of neck pain. If you look down for a long period then this one, or any of the stands mentioned will help you prevent that problem.
If you want an adjustable book stand but neither have the budget or the place to store it, then you can go for this one.
It doubles as a Laptop stand, and you can use your laptop on your bed as well. It has two USB-operated cooling fans that will help your laptop stay cool.
The only problem is that when fully extended it is a bit flimsy and wobbly.
3 (a). Read up-to 4 Law books – Large Book Reading Stand
Reading stands are available in different shapes and sizes. Plus there are attachments with which you can attach one book stand to the other. That way, you can stack up four books near each other simultaneously. Choose the one that perfectly suits your needs.
If you are working on a computer, and need to look back and forth from the computer screen to the book, and your neck gets tired then this one is the perfect option.
It also prevents you from back pain, because you can sit in a relaxed posture where your back is taking complete support of the chair.
It is best for bulkiest books. Whether you are a LAW student, a Medical student, or want to refer to a heavy dictionary, this book stand will work for you in all cases.
It is made with MDF which is also humidity resistant. But, in my experience, only MDF make products if you are sure that there will be no moisture near them. I mean, there should be no spills on it as it will permanently damage the stand.
3 (b). Heavy-duty Bamboo book stand — Yet Portable and Inexpensive!
If you love to read, your books are heavy and large, and you want something portable, sturdy, and inexpensive then Bamboo Book Stand is the best choice for you.
Although, it is made to read on a flat hard surface, but you can still use it to read in bed. Place it on your stomach. But it will not be that comfortable. For reading in bed it is better to go for the LEVO or the fordable laptop stand.
It is made of Bamboo wood which means that you can easily wipe it with a wet cloth and it will be fine. Some coffee or water spills here and there – It will easily handle them without any problem. As I discussed earlier MDF deteriorates with moisture, so if you do not want to use multiple books stacked on each other then get this one. It will last longer.
The Kindle is a great option for reading at night. It allows you to adjust the brightness and has a Kindle Paperwhite with built-in light – making it even better for reading in the dark. The screen also has an anti-glare feature, making it better for reading outside or in the car.
Why get an E-reader in the first place? What are the benefits?
There are many benefits to getting an e-reader. They include not having to carry around books, being able to purchase books anywhere, and accessing a wider variety of books.
Also, ereaders are more comfortable for the eyes, cheaper, and better for the environment.
When not to get an e-reader? What are its downsides?
E-readers aren’t practical for everything, but they’re great for reading books on the go. If you compare them with tablets, one major downside is that many e-readers don’t have a color screen. Also, you can not watch videos on an e-reader.
But if you compare them with books, then you miss the feeling of reading. There’s nothing better than going to your favorite spot and laying back with a good book. You won’t get that same experience in an e-reader.
Best E-Readers – Comparison and which one is best for whom
Kindle Basic with Front Light
Kindle is a unique device designed to make reading more enjoyable by eliminating glare in all types of light, including the sun. Kindle Basic has a built-in adjustable light so you can read comfortably at night. The battery lasts weeks on a single charge.
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (10th generation)
For over 20 years, the Kindle has been a top seller in Amazon’s family of e-readers. The 10th generation Kindle Paperwhite is thinner and lighter than previous models, with a high-contrast display perfect for reading in bed. Tap to turn pages or use the new front light for a hands-free reading experience. With features like Goodreads integration, Audible support, and Kindle Unlimited for a very low price per month
Kindle Oasis
The Kindle Oasis is Amazon’s most advanced eReader so far. With a streamlined design and an easy-to-use interface, it doesn’t just help you read more – it helps you read better. Its paperwhite display is crisp, paper-like, and bright. It also has a built-in light for reading in any environment without eye strain.
The Kindle Oasis is the first waterproof Kindle, which means you can read in the bath or on the beach, and there’s no need to worry about getting it wet at the gym. It has a high-resolution 300 PPI display for crisp, laser-quality text and images.
The flush-front display lets you read more comfortably without getting distracted by light, like when reading paperbacks or using electronic devices. The ergonomic design features an adjustable built-in light so you can use it anywhere, even in bed.
Kobo Clara HD – Non-Amazon Option – Best Nighttime Ereader
Kindle may be the most popular e-reader, but it’s not the only option. Kobo Clara HD is our top-of-the-line, high-end e-reader with an adjustable front light and touchscreen display. You’ll also find a whopping 8 GB of storage and a MicroSD slot for adding even more books on the go. While many Amazon customers are switching to Kindle Unlimited, Kobo Clara HD is still a worthy contender.
Kobo Libra H2O – alternative to Oasis
Kobo’s newest flagship reader will grab more readers with a thinner and lighter design. It is ideal for people who want a device that’s easy to carry. The Kobo Libra reader is water-resistant with an IPX8 rating, so you can read confidently, knowing the device will survive accidental drops in the sink or bathtub. With this device, you might forget you’re reading on an eReader!
Kobo Nia
Make reading a Kindle-like experience with the Kobo Nia. The lightweight and thin profile makes it easy to hold for hours. The Kobo Nia is perfect for people who want to read more eBooks than they can fit on their phone and enjoy reading in a book-like format.
Kindle Kids Edition
The Kindle Kids’ Edition is a durable, kid-friendly eReader with a tough, protective case. It also includes exciting features for kids, like Kindle FreeTime, which lets you set reading goals, earn achievement badges, and unlock rewards.
Comparison Table
What’s Unique?
Best for?
Kindle Basic
Kindle Paperwhite 10th Gen
Kindle Oasis
Kobo Clara HD
Kobo Libra H2O
Kobo Nia
Kindle Kids Edition
Best 8-inch ebook reader
The Kindle Oasis has a very similar design to its predecessor, Paperwhite. One major difference is that it features an 8-inch screen and is made of metal on the outside and soft fabric on the inside. This makes it easier to hold in one hand while reading in bed.
Nook Glowlight Plus also comes with an 8-inch screen. It offers some innovative features, such as a built-in nightlight, a microSD card slot for memory expansion, and a power button that doubles as an LED reading light so you can read at night without disturbing your partner. It has a sleek design is easy to hold in one or two hands.
The best big-screen E-reader
The Amazon Kindle Oasis is the best big-screen e-reader for reading in bed. It is lightweight and weighs less than 6 ounces so it won’t strain your wrist too much. It also uses a 300-pixel-per-inch display, which is the sharpest of any currently available e-reader.
Most Affordable E-reader – best budget E-reader that provides excellent value for money
The Amazon Kindle is a relatively inexpensive and really good e-reader. It offers a comfortable reading experience for just $79.99. You can also purchase the Kindle Paperwhite or Kindle Voyage for close to $200, depending on how much you want to spend.
The Kobo e-reader doesn’t offer as many features as the Kindle, with their most basic model costing nearly $120. However, they have an extensive catalog of books at low prices – which is great if you don’t have an Amazon Prime account.
Best E-reader for reading in the dark
The best e-reader for reading in the dark is the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite. It’s light, evenly distributed, feels pleasant, and doesn’t strain your eyes.
The Kindle Paperwhite is a perfect device for reading before bedtime because it evenly distributes light and reaches deep into dark places. It has an adjustable illumination and brightness to read in the dark without straining your eyes.
Best Premium E-reader for nighttime reading, and why?
The most popular devices for nighttime reading are
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite
Kobo Aura H2O Edition 2 with Waterproofing and Audible Subscription
And Barnes & Noble Nook GlowLight 3 with GlowLight Plus.
The Kindle Paperwhite has the best contrast because of its E Ink Pearl display, but it can be more expensive than other ereaders. The Kobo Aura H2O Edition 2 is waterproof and has a light sensor that automatically adjusts your brightness depending on how much light is coming in from the environment. And the Nook GlowLight 3 is great for those who want more features.
The most affordable Kobo e-reader for reading in bed
The Kobo Glo is an affordable e-reader that is very light in weight and can be easily used in bed.
The display is a 6″ E Ink Carta display that has a glare-free screen. The device uses touchscreen technology, which makes it easy to read books.
The device’s battery life lasts up to one month on a single charge and can also be used in low light conditions since it has an integrated night reading mode.
Best Android Ebook Reading Device
Nook Glowlight Plus is the best ebook reader for Android because it offers a great user experience and a sleek design.
Nook Glowlight Plus is an ebook reader from Barnes & Noble that was built for Android devices. It has a sleek design, and its battery lasts up to 8 weeks. Furthermore, it offers great features like highlighting, note-taking, and dictionary lookup. The Nook Glowlight Plus also allows users to change the font size and adjust brightness.
Onyx BOOX Max 3 – Best Large Ereader for Scientific and Technical Books – Builds reading skills – One year of Amazon kids+
The Onyx BOOX Max 3 is the best e-reader for scientific and technical books. The device has a large screen that is perfect for reading such books. It also includes various features to help users read faster and with better understanding.
The Onyx BOOX Max 3 has an E-Ink Carta HD display of 10.2 inches. This means you can use the device for hours without feeling tired, which is an advantage over devices with LED screens because they cause eye strain. The device has WiFi connectivity on all models, and it supports downloading ebooks from various sources like Google Play, Kindle Store, Kobo Store, or iBooks Store.
The Max 3 has all the features of the average reader but includes some key advantages that make it better than competitors for readers who want to do more with their device.
The Likebook Mars -The Most Powerful E-reader
The Likebook Mars E-Reader is the world’s first fully autonomous e-reader! It provides all the entertainment you need, from books to movies. It has a 7.8′ touch screen, 300PPI, 8-core processor, adjustable built-in warm/cold light, and built-in audible support. A must-have gadget for avid readers!
It has a sleek, ergonomic design makes it easy to hold with one hand. This, plus the adjustable backlight, makes reading content in any light condition possible without straining the eyes or causing fatigue.
The Lightest and Thinnest of All Kindles
The Kindle Paperwhite 2018 is the lightest and thinnest Kindle ever. It’s also the first waterproof Kindle, but it has no built-in light like the other Kindles.
The Paperwhite is one of three Kindles that Amazon sells, but it’s considered the most popular. This newest version has a more rounded design and less weight than previous versions. It will be available in black and white and starts at $129 for the ad-supported e-reader with WiFi, which is much more affordable than previous models that cost around $200.
The new Kindle Paperwhite has an IPX8 rating, which means it can withstand immersion in up to two meters of water for up to 60 minutes. That makes it the first waterproof Kindle ever released by Amazon.
Best mid-range Kindle for reading ebooks
The Kindle Paperwhite has been the most popular mid-range Kindle for readers. It is a high-end e-reader with an excellent screen and a bit lighter than the other models.
The PaperWhite, which sells for $119.99, has an illuminated display and is about 25 percent lighter than its predecessor, the Kindle DX, billed as Amazon’s “largest and highest-resolution Kindle ever.”
Best budget Kindle for reading before sleep
The best budget Kindle for reading before sleep is Paperwhite. It has a built-in light and 6-8 weeks of battery time.
Its long-lasting battery provides convenience for people who don’t want to charge their Kindle daily or carry an extra charger around the house.
The Paperwhite’s backlit display makes it easy for people who like reading before bed and need some light, but not too much light as too much light will keep them up at night.
The cheapest ebook reader
The cheapest e-reader is Amazon Kindle at $69.99. It’s also the most popular and well-known e-reader in the market, so it’s pretty safe to say that Amazon Kindle is the cheapest ebook reader.
Best e-reader for library books
Libraries are shifting from paper books to digital books. With the increase in digital books, libraries need to find a way to store and make accessible these books.
The best e-reader for library books would be a tablet with great battery life, high-resolution screens, the ability to read texts aloud, and the ability to add annotations. The Kindle Paperwhite seems the perfect solution for libraries as it has all these features.
Some available e-readers have not been designed with library usage in mind. They cannot read aloud texts, have poor-quality screens, or need constant charging.
Buyer Guide: How to choose an e-reader? Features to look for in an e-reader?
The rise of online content is making the traditional form of books less and less popular. At the same time, the demand for e-readers is increasing.
The market is now filled with various e-readers with different features and prices. But what makes one e-reader better than another?
Here are some key features to look for in an e-reader and how they can be used to your advantage.
– Pixel Density or PPI: How 320ppi compares with 167ppi?
The most common measure of display quality is pixel density or PPI. We define the “pixel count” by the number of pixels that fit into one inch (2.54 cm) on the screen. The higher the number of pixels per inch, the clearer and more detailed your text will be – but also with a higher price tag to match.
The new trend in screen resolutions is now going towards 4K displays at 4K PPI (or 8 megapixels per square inch). While this offers an excellent viewing experience with incredible detail and color saturation, it can also cause eye strain when used for long periods.
-DRM may restrict you from reading your books on Kindle or other E-readers.
DRM limits the number of places to read a book and restricts you from reading it on devices incompatible with DRM.
A DRM-protected ebook is a book that has been encoded with digital rights management. This means that the publisher has placed restrictions on how the book may be used. These restrictions are usually enforced through encryption and can include the following:
– Limiting an ebook to a single user or allowing only a certain number of devices to access it
– Restricting the number of times that an ebook can be lent or shared
The most important use case might be limiting its use to specific devices. For example, if you read on a Kindle and have bought many books there, they might not work if you change the device to a Kobo.
So, whatever you choose, it will be a long-term commitment.
– Do you need physical page turn buttons?
Page turn buttons are a physical interface of ereaders, which have existed since the first release. However, in recent years, big companies like Amazon have moved away from them in favor of digital buttons on the screen.
Physical page turn buttons provide a more comfortable reading experience for users. They provide a more natural feel and control where readers go next with just one hand. Physical page turn buttons also allow readers to browse through books without breaking their train of thought or taking their eyes off the text.
– Annotation: do you need that?
Annotation is especially useful for students who find themselves adding their thoughts and ideas regarding their reading content. This way, they can organize their thoughts and help them study for exams or understand the content better.
It’s not only an advantage for students, though – annotations are also helpful when you’re reading a book and want to remember an important detail because you know you’ll return to it later.
Should you buy an Ereader that allows you to annotate (highlight text, add comments) or one that only allows reading? The answer depends on your use.
Do you want to read your digital E-reader on a beach or in direct sunlight?
If you love being outdoors and want to read books digitally in various environments, such as at the beach or in direct sunlight, then choose an ebook reader with a glare-free screen. Glare can make it difficult to read text when reading in bright light and can even cause eye strain.
– If you want to read while traveling
First, make sure it has enough storage space for what you want to read. You can always upload an e-reader with more storage capacity if needed. That way, there won’t be any problems with running out of space on your device.
Also, ensure that the screen is bright enough and easy to read in different conditions, such as when there is plenty of natural light or darkness outside at night. You might also want more than one E-ink or conventional display for reading.
You must look for one that is lightweight and durable. You want to make sure you can take it on the go!
If you like to read while traveling, choose an e-reader that is long-lasting, lightweight, and waterproof.
– Do you also listen to Audiobooks?
If you are a reader of audiobooks, there are a few features you might want to look for in an e-reader. The most important feature is the size of the touchscreen. A touch screen that is too small can be difficult to use and navigate with and will make it difficult to have large enough buttons to use when reading an audiobook.
The battery life of an e-reader is also an important consideration. If you intend to listen to
– Are you fine with wifi, or do you need a 3G connection too?
An e-reader should be considered for connectivity options like wifi or cellular data because if it doesn’t have these options, you cannot download new books. Besides, a Wi-Fi connection is better because it requires no extra cost.
But, if you are reading while camping in remote areas where the only option is to use cellular data, you should consider getting an e-reader with that option.
– Is it waterproof?
Sometimes, reading in the bath or pool can be difficult because of the risk of damaging your device. However, some waterproof ereaders on the market allow you to do this without worrying about damaging your device.
If you have kids in your home and are worried that they may spill on it, consider getting a waterproof model for them to read.
How to consider battery timing when buying an e-reader?
– How much battery time do you need?
It is estimated that most users will read for approximately one hour daily. This means that the battery will need to last at least this long.
Another factor that should be considered is how often the device will be used. If it is going to be used every day, then a lower battery duration might be acceptable, as there would be more time between recharges.
You should consider battery time if you love to travel a lot, as a longer battery life means you can enjoy your device for longer periods without worrying about finding a power outlet. This is especially useful when you are camping or when you are outdoors and away from civilization.
How much Storage should you get in an E-reader?
Large ereaders have more storage than small ereaders but are also a lot bigger and heavier than smaller ones. If you want to carry your e-reader around, getting a small one is better. Getting a large one is better if you want to use it primarily at home or in the office.
The amount of storage available also depends on what files you want to store on your device. If it’s just books and articles you want to read, then up to 16GB should be sufficient for most people. But 32GB should be enough for most people’s needs if you intend to store movies and music.
Do you need the Text-to-speech ability to listen to a book on an E-reader?
Text-to-speech is an important function in ereaders. Most ereaders have this function built-in. It is necessary for those who cannot read due to blindness or other vision impairments. It is also needed for those who cannot read but can hear the text read aloud.
When audiobooks are available, you may prefer to listen to them on your phone. But there are times when reading is not an option, or when reading is difficult, the text-to-speech capability is an option.
Do you want an E-reader with a bigger screen or a smaller one that is easy to carry
If your primary interest is reading novels, you will want a larger screen to see more words on the page and make it easier for your eyes.
However, if you are interested in reading text-heavy books such as textbooks, it might be better to have a smaller screen because there will be more space to fit all of the text on one page.
How Much Should I Spend on an Ebook Reader?
The cost of an e-reader is usually proportional to the features offered by the device. If you want a beginner’s perspective, you can get an Amazon Kindle for as little as USD 79.99 for the basic model with no backlighting or wireless connectivity. Those who want more features, such as touchscreen and built-in lighting, should expect to pay closer to USD 119 for a Kindle Voyage.
If you’re looking for a device for reading books and don’t care about the size or color, an e-ink Kindle might be the best option.
If you’re looking for something more expensive with a larger screen and higher resolution, the new Kindle Fire HDX is the best option.
Which screen type should you choose?
E-readers are electronic devices that display digital books, newspapers, and magazines. You can choose from two types of screens: (1) the LCD screen and (2) the E Ink screen. The LCD screen may be best for you if you want an e-reader with many bells and whistles. However, if you want an eye-friendly display that’s easy on your eyes in well-lit areas, E Ink may be for you.
The LCD screens allow you to see more content at one time than an E Ink screen because they have more pixels per inch than E Ink screens. They also have touchscreens and higher contrast ratios than traditional LCDs. But they lack an anti-glare coating, which can cause eyestrain or headaches unless the screen is at a funny angle.
Check if it has a good grip
You should also consider how grippy an e-reader is. It will allow you to concentrate as you read without worrying about dropping or sliding the device.
I would recommend an e-reader with a grippy exterior, as the device’s weight is not always enough to keep it from slipping out of your grip. The best device is one that you can easily hold.
ePub and PDF support
Before buying an e-reader, consider needing one that supports epub and PDF formats. If you need to read documents not in epub or pdf format, you should purchase a device supporting those types of files.
In ebooks, there are two major file formats: epub and pdf. Epub is the most widely used format but is not universally supported by all reading devices. Some devices only support PDFs, others only support epubs, and some support both but may have different levels of expertise with each type.
Do you need Android OS for Third-party Apps?
If you use many third-party apps on your phone, an Android e-reader might be a better choice. You can switch between e-reading and using your apps more conveniently.
But if you are used to the Kindle app or its features, you don’t need to buy an Android e-reader. You should only consider it if you use third-party apps often.
Does it have a built-in light?
When choosing an e-reader, it’s important to know that there are two types of ereaders: those with built-in lighting and those without. Built-in lighting is more convenient because I can read in the dark without using a book light.
Color e-readers for reading in bed
I would say color is not important. I prefer e-ink readers for reading in bed because they have the lowest amount of light, and sometimes I get distracted from reading a bright screen.
Special offers, discounts, deals, or coupon codes
There are no coupons, discounts, or deals available for e-reader devices. But I will update you as soon as there is news. So stay tuned.
Frequently asked questions
What is the difference between an e-reader and a tablet? Should I get an e-reader or a tablet?
E-readers are designed to be read-only, like a traditional book. Tablet devices, on the other hand, are multi-functional and can be used for e-reading, surfing the internet, playing games, etc. So, you’ll want to consider what your needs are before making your purchase.
Do e-readers reduce eye strain?
No. The American Optometric Association has stated that there is no scientific evidence that e-readers reduce eye strain.
Which is the Best among Barnes & Noble E-Readers?
The Nook GlowLight Plus is a great choice among Barnes & Noble eReaders. It has an adjustable, built-in light, and its display is the brightest of all the other eReaders. This device also has a backlit touchscreen that reads just like paper. Also, the battery lasts up to 6 weeks on a single charge and can be recharged in less than four hours using an included adapter.
Which E-reader is the Best for Manga Fans
The best e-reader for manga fans is the Kindle Paperwhite. The Kindle Paperwhite has a higher pixel density than other Kindles, so it displays text more clearly. The Kindle Paperwhite also has a higher contrast ratio, which means it displays text more clearly in dark and bright scenes. The Kindle Paperwhite has a battery life of up to 6 weeks with the Wi-Fi off, which is good for uninterrupted reading.
Should you insure your Kindle?
Yes. Kindles are expensive, and losing all your books would be a shame if something happened to the device.
They can be costly, so it is important to protect them from damage and theft. Plus, you never know when you might need them or lose one of your devices in an emergency.
Kindle Paperwhite vs. Kindle Basic – Which is best for reading in bed?
The Kindle Basic is more affordable but lacks features like a backlight and auto-rotate.
The Kindle Paperwhite is the best option for reading in bed because it has a backlight that can be used in the dark, and it also rotates the text so you can read from any angle.
Kindle tips and tricks for reading in bed
The Kindle has buttons on the side to turn pages. You can change the text size on the screen and find a book to read with a simple search. –link to the detailed post with a short answer here
Is Kindle or Kobo better for reading in bed?
Both Kindle and Kobo devices have the same screen visibility in bed. –link to the detailed post with a short answer here.
Does any of the e-readers help improve reading skills?
Technology can help in improving reading skills. For example, the Kindle has a Vocabulary Builder with definitions, synonyms, and antonyms.
Conclusion for what is the best E-reader
The best eBook Reader for you largely depends on what you want to use it for. The Kindle Paperwhite is the preferred choice for reading in bed. The Paperwhite features a front-lit screen with a brightness setting, making it very easy to read in different lighting.
Reading in bed is one of the best, most relaxing things before drifting off. But you know that sinking feeling when you have to put down your book because it’s just too uncomfortable? Well, it doesn’t have to be that way. With these accessories, you can read in bed comfortably in no time!
Accessories For reading at night, comfortably!
Use a reading light
Reading with improper light can cause eye strain. You need a bright light to illuminate your book, but not so bright that it irritates your eyes. There are plenty of options available when it comes to choosing the right light for reading in bed. You can choose from standard table lamps, bedside lamps, clip-on book lights, and more! Use a white light to stay awake and an amber color light to fall asleep faster. If you want to know which lights are available for reading in bed and the best for each type, check this post on the 15+ unique reading lights for bed.
Get a Book holder to read hands-free in any posture
If you have difficulty keeping your book in one place so it does not slip off your lap, a book holder may be for you. Designed to keep books from falling off the edge of a bed or other surface, these come in various shapes and sizes. Some even have extra designs to add additional support while reading, such as hooks for hands or arms.
Check this post for the best bookholders for reading in bed. It also includes a LEVO book holder that will allow you to read while lying flat or by your side.
Get a back support pillow – To read in an ergonomic posture
Some pillows will keep your spine aligned so you don’t get a crick in your neck, which will lessen the tension in your body and make it easier for you to relax. This will also prevent unnecessary muscle aches and pains in an awkward reading position. If you want to know which type of reading pillow would be best for you, please check out this post on the best back support pillows for reading in bed.
Use blue blockers or amber lamps to restrict blue light and sleep more quickly
Blue light is visible light emitted by many electronic devices such as TVs. It can affect the body’s production of melatonin, a hormone that affects sleep patterns. Also, blue light has been shown to significantly disrupt the body’s circadian rhythm, the internal mechanism regulating your body’s sleep-wake cycle.
An amber reading light will also help you to read in bed comfortably. Amber is a wavelength that filters out much of the blue light spectrum, making it perfect for bedroom use at night. The cool light that amber produces is better for the eyes than the warm light from typical white lamps.
Amber color lights are available in many shapes and forms, including book lights, headboard lamps, etc. You can check this post on best amber color readings here.
Pick a good pillow
A good pillow is crucial. It should be firm enough to support your head without bunching up underneath you, which can cause neck strain. It should also be soft enough to support your shoulder while allowing you to relax into a comfortable position. You can adjust your pillow by adding or removing a few pillows on either side until you find the right balance of support and comfort. A vibrant and colorful pillow can stimulate creativity and increase your focus while reading in bed.
Use a soft blanket
One of the best ways to become comfortable while reading in bed is to create a cocoon-like atmosphere. A thick blanket is a great way to create this atmosphere, making you feel like you’re in your little world. When choosing a blanket, look for one thick enough to keep you warm but not so hot that it will make you uncomfortable.
Use bookmarks to remember where you left off
This is helpful when you fall asleep reading in bed. You can place it on a bookmark, or if your book does not have one, place a post-it note on the page you left off in a logical location to help you find it when you wake up again.
These are some of the accessories that can help you read in bed more comfortably. Anyone can have an enjoyable experience when reading in bed if they have the right accessories.
Dive into the world of ultimate relaxation with our guide on the perfect accessories for reading while bathing! Unwind in the tub without worrying about water damage to your favorite books or gadgets. We’ve curated a list of must-have items to transform your bath time into a literary retreat. We’ve got you covered, from waterproof book covers to floating shelves and waterproof eReaders. Discover the joy of flipping through pages or listening to audiobooks with waterproof headphones and speakers. Elevate your bath experience with adjustable bathtub caddies, ensuring your book or tablet stays dry and within reach. So, grab your favorite read, sink into those soothing bubbles, and let the pages turn as you escape into a world of relaxation and imagination!
Bathtub caddy:
New bath-time sidekick: the Bathtub caddy! It’s like a VIP pass to relaxation town. This sleek, adjustable tray isn’t just for holding your book; it’s a mini oasis for your bath essentials. Pop your paperback or tablet into the designated nook, slide in a cuppa, and let the good times roll. No more awkward juggling—just pure, splash-resistant bliss. It’s the lazy bookworm’s dream, turning your tub into a literary haven.
Bathtub pillow:
Level up your bath-time reading game with the Bathtub Pillow—your ticket to ultimate comfort! This plush, waterproof pillow is like a cloud for your head, turning your tub into a cozy reading nook. Imagine sinking into bubbles with this cushion cradling you, supporting your neck, and letting you lose yourself in a good book—no more awkward angles or discomfort—just pure relaxation.
Waterproof cases for Tablets/E-readers:
Take your reading sanctuary to new heights with the Waterproof Case for Tablets/E-Readers—an absolute game-changer for bath-time bookworms! This sleek, protective case is like armor for your digital companions, letting you plunge into literary worlds without worrying about water mishaps. Dive into your favorite novels, whether poolside, beach-bound, or nestled in a luxurious bath, with the confidence that your tablet or e-reader is cocooned in a protective seal. Embrace a worry-free reading experience where waterproof meets literary delight, and let these cases redefine how you enjoy your digital library in any environment.
Floating bookshelves:
Transform your bath into a floating library with Floating Bookshelves—the ultimate solution for water-friendly reading! These ingenious shelves are designed for wet environments, keeping your books high and dry while you soak away the stress. Install them above your bathtub, and voila—a bookish haven awaits.
Bathtub Tray Table:
The Bathtub Tray Table is the ultimate bath companion for a luxurious and functional experience! This sleek and adjustable tray is designed to fit over your tub, providing a stable surface for your favorite book, tablet, or glass of wine. Designated slots for various items and a slip-resistant surface ensure everything stays secure.
Reading duck:
Meet your new bath-time buddy: the Reading Duck! This whimsical companion brings a splash of fun to your literary adventures. Designed to float alongside you, this rubber ducky is not just for play—it’s a clever bookstand. Dive into the bubbles, let the Reading Duck waddle by your side, and turn your bath into a charming, literary escape!
Waterproof book holder:
Say hello to the Waterproof Book Holder—the genius solution for bath-time bookworms! This sleek accessory is like a cozy hammock for your reads, keeping them dry and ready for your soaking sessions. Crafted with waterproof magic, it’s a game-changer that lets you plunge into stories without fearing water damage. Just slip in your book or tablet, find your comfiest bath position, and let the Waterproof Book Holder do its thing.
Your bath-time reading ally: the Page Turner! This ingenious accessory is a game-changer for your literary soak. Its ergonomic design makes flipping pages a breeze, allowing you to navigate your book effortlessly while indulging in the tub. Crafted for comfort and ease, the Page Turner ensures you won’t miss a beat of your story, making it the perfect sidekick for bath-time adventures. Say farewell to fumbling with wet fingers and embrace the smooth, stress-free, page-turning experience.
Waterproof Book cover:
Waterproof Book Cover—a must-have for every book lover’s bath-time retreat! This sleek, protective accessory resembles a superhero cape for your favorite reads. Crafted with waterproof materials, it shields your books from unexpected splashes, ensuring they emerge from the bath unscathed. The transparent design lets your book’s cover shine through, combining practicality and elegance. Elevate your reading rituals, whether in the tub or by the pool, with the assurance that your books remain pristine.
Book weight:
Clear Book Weight is an ingenious companion for your bath-time reading adventures! Crafted transparent, this nifty weight keeps your book’s pages steady, even in the bubbliest baths. No more wrestling with wandering pages—place the clear weight on your book, and let the uninterrupted reading bliss begin.
Waterproof speakers:
Turn your bath into a sensory oasis with Waterproof Speakers—the perfect harmony for your reading retreat! These sleek, water-resistant speakers add a new dimension to your bath-time experience. Immerse yourself in your favorite audiobooks or music without fretting about water splashes. With crystal-clear sound quality and a waterproof design, these speakers are ideal for bookworms seeking a multi-sensory escape.
Literary bath bombs:
Unleash the magic of literature with Literary Bath Bombs—an enchanting experience for book lovers and bath enthusiasts alike! These fizzy wonders are infused with the essence of classic book scents, turning your bath into a fragrant haven inspired by your favorite stories. Immerse yourself in the soothing waters, surrounded by the aromatic embrace of well-loved tales.
Waterproof headphones:
Your new aquatic sidekick: Waterproof Headphones! Dive into a world of music or audiobooks while swimming, showering, or enjoying a relaxing bath. Designed to withstand water exposure, these headphones provide crystal-clear sound without worrying about damage. With a secure fit and top-notch waterproofing technology, they’re the perfect companion for your water-centric activities.
Scented candles:
Elevate your bath-time retreat with Scented Candles—a perfect addition to your relaxation essentials! Immerse yourself in the warm glow and captivating aromas as you soak away the day’s stresses. Whether it’s lavender’s calming embrace or the refreshing eucalyptus burst, our scented candles turn your bath into a sensory oasis. Combine the flickering ambiance with your favorite book, and let the enchanting fragrances whisk you away on a literary journey.
Waterproof E-readers:
Dive into a world of endless stories with Waterproof E-Readers—your passport to literary adventures, rain or shine! These technologically advanced devices are designed to withstand water exposure, making them the perfect companions for beach reads, poolside escapes, or relaxing baths. Immerse yourself in captivating novels or browse through your favorite magazines worry-free. With a crystal-clear display and the ability to easily navigate your digital library, waterproof e-readers redefine how you enjoy books in various environments.
Bathtub Reading Lid:
The Bathtub Reading Lid is a versatile accessory for the ultimate relaxation experience! This specialized lid covers and protects your bathtub and doubles as a comfortable surface for your reading materials. A built-in bookstand provides a stable platform for your book or tablet, creating a cozy reading nook in the tub. Crafted with your comfort in mind, the lid ensures a worry-free reading experience while keeping your essentials secure.
How to Enjoy Bath-Time Reading without Soaking Your Book:
A blissful bath, soothing bubbles, and your favorite book—pure relaxation, right? But the last thing you want is a waterlogged novel. Fear not, bookworms! Here’s the lowdown on diving into your reading adventure without drowning your pages.
Snag a waterproof book cover:
It’s like a superhero cape for your book, keeping water at bay while you conquer literary worlds. Alternatively, consider upgrading to a waterproof eReader or tablet for a tech-savvy splash zone experience.
The adjustable bathtub caddy:
This trusty sidekick provides a stable platform for your book, preventing accidental dives into the tub. It’s a game-changer, offering both convenience and peace of mind.
Floating bookshelf:
It is the secret sauce designed for wet environments. It cradles your book above water, turning your bath into a private reading oasis.
Mini dry towel:
Remember, page-turning in the bath requires finesse. Dry your hands before each chapter, or keep a mini towel handy for a literary dab dance.
Ensuring a comfortable grip on your book while bathing can enhance your reading experience
In conclusion, the world of bath-time reading has just been upgraded with an arsenal of accessories designed to transform your tub into a literary haven. From the Bathtub Caddy, your VIP pass to relaxation town, to the whimsical Reading Duck, this collection ensures your bath-time reads are as indulgent as they come. But the innovation doesn’t stop there. Waterproof E-Readers redefine where you can enjoy your favorite stories, whether in a pool, by the beach, or in a mountain of bubbles. And for the tech-savvy bookworm, the Waterproof Case for Tablets/E-Readers is your armor against water mishaps. So, whether you’re flipping through pages or immersing yourself in digital tales, these accessories ensure your bath-time reading is an escape to cherish.
Are you a night owl who loves to read in bed, but don’t want to wake up your partner with a bright overhead light or lamp? If you answered yes, then you’re in luck because this post is just for you!
In the following paragraphs, we’ll explore three solutions that will allow you to read at night without disturbing your partner. First up, we have the book light – the best solution for illuminating only your book and keeping everything else in darkness or shadow.
If your partner need total silence, using a sleep mask with earplugs might be their best bet. This option will not only block out any ambient noise but will also prevent any light from entering your partner’s eyes, allowing them to read in complete darkness.
And if you’re an ebook fan, reading on a Kindle can also be a great option as the built-in backlight can be adjusted to your preferred brightness level, and it won’t disturb your partner.
Last but not least, a curtain can be used as an accessory to block out any light from outside or inside the room, ensuring that your partner won’t be disturbed by any noise either.
Alternatively, if you’re not too keen on physical books, listening to audiobooks is also a great option. With earphones, you can listen to your favorite book while your partner sleeps soundly next to you.
So, whether you prefer a book light, a sleep mask with earplugs, a Kindle, or a curtain, there’s a solution out there that will allow you to read at night without disturbing your partner’s precious sleep.
1. Use a Book Light
Let’s face it – there’s nothing quite like snuggling up in bed with a good book, but the last thing you want to do is disturb your partner’s sleep with a bright overhead light or lamp. That’s where the book light comes in – the perfect solution for all you bookworms!
One of the biggest advantages of using a book light is the ability to focus the illumination solely on your book, leaving everything else in darkness or shadow. This means you can enjoy your late-night reading without disturbing your partner’s much-needed rest.
But it’s not just the lack of disturbance that makes book lights a must-have for avid readers. They are also incredibly versatile, allowing you to adjust the light direction and highlight a specific page part. This makes reading easier in low light conditions and reduces eye strain, making it the perfect addition to your bedtime routine.
Now, when it comes to choosing the best book light for your needs, the options can be overwhelming. But fear not, dear reader, because we’ve researched for you. The Glocusent book light is one of the best out there, and here’s why:
Firstly, it has three color temperature options – warm, cool, and amber. The warm and amber colors will help you relax and put you in a better mood to sleep, while the cool option is perfect for reading and studying.
Secondly, the rechargeable battery means you don’t have to worry about replacing batteries constantly. Plus, it lasts for weeks on a single charge so that you can enjoy your reading time without interruptions.
But that’s not all. The Glocusent book light is also straightforward to use, with touch-sensitive controls on the base of the light. A single tap turns it on, the second increases the brightness, and a double tap turns it off – it couldn’t be simpler!
And if you’re on the go, the compact and lightweight design of the Glocusent book light means it’s easy to carry around in your pocket. It won’t weigh your books down, making it the perfect companion for traveling or commuting.
In conclusion, if you’re an avid reader who loves to read in bed but doesn’t want to disturb your partner’s sleep, a book light is the perfect solution. And if you’re looking for the best one, the Glocusent book light is an excellent choice with its multiple color temperature options, rechargeable battery, easy-to-use touch controls, and compact design. So go ahead, indulge in some late-night reading, and let the Glocusent book light up your world!
2. Sleep masks
If your partner is particularly sensitive to light, even a book light may not be enough to prevent them from being disturbed while you read. In such cases, using a sleep mask can be a lifesaver.
Before introducing a sleep mask, check with your partner to make sure that they are comfortable sleeping with an eye mask. Assuming they are, a sleep mask can be used as a backup plan to ensure that your partner gets a good night’s sleep while you enjoy your favorite book.
By combining a book light with a sleep mask, you can rest assured that your partner will fall asleep faster and be less likely to be disturbed by the light. This is particularly important if you enjoy reading for extended periods of time.
For the ultimate in comfort, we recommend the Alaska Bear Natural Silk Sleep Mask. Made from silk with a cotton inner lining, this sleep mask is incredibly soft and comfortable to wear. It is also breathable, ensuring that your head stays cool and comfortable throughout the night. With the Alaska Bear Natural Silk Sleep Mask, you can indulge in your love of reading without having to worry about disturbing your partner’s sleep.
3. Reading eBooks
Reading an ebook is a great way to enjoy your favorite books without disturbing your partner’s sleep. With features such as adjustable backlighting, silent page-turning, and customizable font settings, ebooks are the perfect solution for late-night reading. So go ahead, snuggle up with your ebook, and enjoy a good read without any worries!
Reading an ebook has become increasingly popular over the years, and it’s not hard to see why. Not only is it convenient, lightweight, and portable, but it also has a nifty feature that is perfect for night-time reading – the built-in backlight.
With the backlight, you can adjust the brightness of the screen to your liking, allowing you to read comfortably in the dark without any external light sources. Not only does this make it easier for you to read, but it also means that you won’t disturb your partner with a bright lamp or bedside light.
But what about the noise? The sound of turning pages can be a huge distraction for light sleepers. Fortunately, ebooks have you covered here as well. With a simple swipe of your finger, you can turn the page quietly so as not to disturb your partner’s peaceful slumber.
Another great feature of ebooks is the ability to adjust the font size and type. This can be especially helpful if you don’t want to strain your eyes or have trouble reading small text. Plus, with the ability to store multiple books on one device, you can switch between titles with ease and without disturbing your partner.
Now, we know that some die-hard book lovers might prefer the feel and smell of a physical book. But if you’re looking for a way to read at night without disturbing your partner, an ebook might just be the perfect solution.
4. Sleep Curtains
If you want to create a more permanent solution to your reading light problem, investing in sleep curtains is a great option. This is especially useful if you have a dedicated reading space and you want to ensure that you are not disturbing your partner’s sleep.
Sleep curtains work by providing you with a private space where you can read without worrying about the light leaking out and disturbing your partner’s sleep. You will need to spend some time to set up the curtains, but once they are in place, you can enjoy your reading space without any concerns.
The great thing about sleep curtains is that they can be used not just at night, but also during the day. If you want to take a nap during the day or simply want some privacy, you can draw the curtains closed and create a peaceful environment.
Investing in sleep curtains is an excellent solution for creating a reading space that is tailored to your needs. You can read in comfort without worrying about disturbing your partner’s sleep, and you can enjoy your space any time of day.
5. Listening to Audiobooks
If you want to enjoy reading without disturbing your partner, but find it difficult to read with a light or a sleep mask, listening to audiobooks might be the solution you need.
Audiobooks are a great way to experience the joy of reading without disturbing your partner’s sleep. You can listen to your favorite books using headphones, and since there is no light involved, it won’t interfere with your partner’s sleep.
Audiobooks can also be a great way to wind down before bed, as they provide a soothing, calming alternative to screen time. And, since you don’t have to worry about keeping a light on, you can easily listen to audiobooks in bed without disturbing your partner.
There are many audiobook platforms available online, such as Audible, Apple Books, Google Play Books, and many more. You can also borrow audiobooks from your local library.
So, if you want to read without disturbing your partner, try listening to audiobooks. They are a great way to enjoy your favorite stories in a relaxing and peaceful way.
Fortunately, there are several solutions to help you enjoy your reading without disturbing your partner’s sleep. Whether it’s using a book light, sleep mask, audiobooks, sleep curtains, or reading on a Kindle, there’s a solution that will work for everyone. Remember to be respectful of your partner’s sleep needs and find a reading routine that works best for both of you. Happy reading!
If you are looking for a non-led, incandescent-bulb book light to read in bed, then zelco itty bitty book light is the best choice
It provides flicker-free, soft-glow, dim and warm-color light in a small size book light that clips onto your books without adding any noticeable weight. The light saves you from eye-strain and helps you read without disturbing your partner.
You love to read in bed, and need a small book light to read without disturbing your partner, but LED reading lights cause strain in your eyes.
You have tried Best warm, soft glow, clip-on, LED book lights, but you are not satisfied. It may be because, you feel the flicker, or those are too bright for you.
You do not mind changing the batteries, and the bulbs. Plus, you are OK with the charge adapter or the power pack.
You are a kid, an adult, or an elderly person who needs a small size, incandescent bulb, clip-on book light at any cost!
Original VS Volume 2
There are two different models of Zelco itty bitty book light: original and the latest Volume 2. Most of the things are common between them, but there are some improvements in Volume 2.
Zeclo Itty Bitty slim Original Book light
What is common?
Incandescent bulb – They both have a small incandescent bulb to illuminate the book. It provides soft, dim light without flicker.
Clip – A clip is used to attach it to the books. It does not damage the pages.
Lightweight – Works with paperbacks easily.
Power – Runs on AC adaptor, or the battery pack that requires four C-cell batteries.
Adjustable – You can adjust the angle of the light falling on the book.
Volume 2 Improvements!
Smaller & lighter – Volume 2 has a better design that is more durable and less likely to break at the neck. It is also smaller and lighter than the original one.
Cheaper– Volume 2 is way cheaper that the original itty bitty book light. You can see the prices below.
Brighter – For those who do not like the very dim light of the original zelco itty book light, volume 2 is brighter. But if you prefer very dim light then get the original. The difference in brightness comes from the diffuser cover that is different in the volume 2. The bulb is the same.
On/Off switch – Whenever you unfold the light, it turns on, and when you fold it back, it turns off. In original variant, there was a dedicated switch.
Now Let’s start the review of the Zelco itty bitty Original and Volume 2 book light with pros and cons.
No eye strain – Non-LED Incandescent bulb (flicker-free, high-CRI)
Dim & Soft glow light for comfortable reading in bed
Warm light does not disturb sleep (or Melatonin Production)
Feather light book light does add weight to paperbacks
Read in bed without disturbing your partner
Travel friendly – Small, compact, and foldable
No charging needed – Plug-in or use C-cell batteries
Includes the AC adapter
Bulb dies – Needs replacement.
Have to search the socket nearby to plug-in, or buy the C-cell batteries.
Bulky when used with battery pack.
Relatively fragile wire
Zelco itty bitty non-LED incandescent bulb book light for reading in bed
One Of The Best Non LED Incandescent Book Light
If you are looking for non-LED incandescent reading lights, then you have a very limited options because most of the lights have switched to LED. On top of that, if you need a small light that can clip on to the books, then it is the best option available to you.
Flicker Free, Soft And Light Does Not Stain Your Eyes
This incandescent bulb light provides a flicker-free light that is spread evenly on the book without any harsh shadows and glares. That is why, you eyes stays relaxed even after reading for long period.
Small And Compact – For Camping, Or Reading On The Beach
It is a very small and pocketable book light that folds into a form that is less than 6 inches long. You can easily put in your backpack, purse or pocket and take it with you. Whether you’re reading in home, going camping, or planning to read on a beach, it is perfect for every situation.
Dim Book Light, Yet Bright Enough To Read
Zelco itty bitty Vol 2 is not too bright to poke into your eyes. It is a gentle and dim light, that is also bright enough to properly light up the book, to read comfortably.
If you need very dim light, I mean dimmer than the Zelco Vol 2, then get the Zelco original version. It has a diffuser that decreases and softens the brightness, even more. The original one is for those, who are super sensitive to light in the evenings and the nights.
Read Without Disturbing Your Partner
The light is soft and stays inside the book. It is not that kind of light that fills up the entire room, making your partner feel uncomfortable. Now, you can read in bed without worrying about disturbing your spouse.
Warm Color Light – Less Effect On Sleep Cycles
Another benefit of this incandescent bulb is that you get warm color light which has less effect on sleep hormone called Melatonin. Hence, your sleep rhythm does not get disturbed.
High Cri Light – Better Color Reproduction
Incandescent bulbs always have high CRI rating. This means, better color reproduction of the text, and eventually better visibility. On the other hand, low quality LED lights have less CRI rating which is not pleasant to read by.
Lightweight – Makes It Easy To Read Paperbacks
Zelco itty bitty book lights do not add any extra weight when clipped on to books. Practically, these are weightless book lights. That is why, they are good to read the light paperback books.
Battery Pack Is Not Attached Directly To The Light
A cool trick that reduces the weight of the book light is, battery compartment is connected with a wire. I mean, it is not attached at the base of the light, as you see it in most of the rechargeable Clip on LED book lights.
Height And Angle Adjustable, And Stays Put
You can adjust the height of the head, and angle of the head to position the light precisely, according to your need. You can set it pointing away from your partner so that he or she does not get disturbed while you are reading in bed.
Covers Both Page Of The Books
The light is wide enough to read the both pages of the book. Plus, you can change the height of the neck to make the light beam wider or focused on a tight area on the book. For the widest possible light, extend the neck to its maximum limit.
Includes Ac Adaptor, Bulb & Battery Pack
Both Zelco itty bitty lights come with a AC adaptor, a battery pack and a bulb. This is good because you can read it either by directly plugging it in, or using four C-cell batteries to power the light.
Note: You get only one bulb, not a spare bulb. And, you need to separately buy the C-cells for the battery pack.
Eye-strain free, Best small size incandescent book light
Reviews Summary
This is the kind of book light that users either love it or hate it.
Around 60% of the users love this book light because of its anti-eye-strain incandescent bulb. The light produces very pleasant light that is neither too dim nor too bright. They can read without disturbing their partner. Users love the fact that it is featherlight to hold and clipping on to books do not add any weight.
Most of the users who love this light, do not find any alternative and this was their only option with incandescent bulb. They have to get it, they got it, and they are happy with it.
Some users who complain about this book light say that it is fragile and the build quality is not that good. The wire is slim and prone to breakage. According to them, bulb needs frequent replacement that is expensive. A few of them, complained about the brightness of the light being very dim and not enough for reading.
An interesting thing is, the users who do not like it said that, they prefer LED version of this book light. And as you know, if you can go with LED then there are a lot of best book lights available to choose from.
Important Notes:
If your are considering to get this book light then you should know these things, clearly.
Know the prices
You must know the maintenance cost of this book light.
Here is the price of the light, spare bulb, and 4 c cell batteries to give you an estimate of running cost.
Volume 2 is brighter; Original is very dim
In comparison, Zelco itty bitty volume 2 is brighter than the Zelco Original book light. It is because, the older version has a diffuser that reduces the light, while the vol 2 has a reflector at the back of the light that focuses all the light to the front.
The battery pack attaches with a cable.
The battery pack is not attached to the base of the light. Rather it is connected through a wire to the light. This keeps the weight of the book light down to minimum, but you have to manage the battery pack, that some users do not like.
Zelco itty bitty was a great book light that is in the market since 2001. Since then, there are a lot of better lights entered in the market.
Those modern lights are not incandescent, but feature same high-quality, energy-efficient light.
Plus, those lights provide a hassle free experience. You do not need to change the bulb, or the batteries. Just charge and use those rechargeable, warm, clip-on book lights.
Some people feel flicker in those LED book lights that causes eye strain. I disagree. These were low quality LEDs that have flicker and blue-color light. I would suggest you to try some of the high-quality, warm-color, soft-glow, clip-on LED lights that are tested and loved by thousands of users. Some of those high quality lights, are mentioned below
Get this Zelco itty bitty book light, original or volume 2, if you must need a non-LED incandescent book light in a small clip-on style. Otherwise, check alternatives section for LED book lights that also offer soft and warm light.
Are you looking for a really tiny and slim, bookmark size book light for reading in bed? Then, The Vekkia Bookmark Book light on Amazon is so slim and tiny, that you can place it just like a bookmark inside your book. It produces warm light of color temperature 3000K, which makes it great for reading in bed.
Surprisingly, this really tiny book light also has rechargeable battery that you can charge from any USB source, using its built in cable. Yes, It also has a built-in USB cable!
If it is too bright for you, then there are two solutions: wrap it in butter paper, or get a more dim light reading light. For more alternatives check out the 15 Best book lights that are also small and tiny.
Makes Your Reading Area Clearly Visible In Dark – Bright Enough
The most important thing about any book light is that whether it is bright enough or not? And the good thing about this bookmark reading light is, it is bright enough for you to read comfortably in bed. Do not be fooled by its small size.
Really Tiny And Small
It is a really tiny book light that measures only 8 inches long in total, out of which 6.7 inches are for the neck. The width is also very less, just 2 inches.
Use It With Books – Comes With A Clip
You can easily use it with large and heavy hardcovers or small and lightweight paperbacks. It comes with a clip that holds the books firmly.
Does Not Damage Books
The clip is wide and has a strong grip. But, it is also easy to remove as well. That is why it does not damage the books, even paperbacks.
Tiny, But Light Up Two Pages
The light is narrow, but it is enough to light up two pages of the book. But if you need even more wider and broader light then check out Ecologic mart or this Luminolite book light
Good For Small Paperback Books
If you are curious to know that whether it adds extra weight to the paperback books, then be relaxed. It does not add extra weight to the book. Plus, your can safely clip it to paperback as its clip will not damage the pages.
Small Warm Light For E-readers And Kindle
It has a great design, as it works with not only books, but with kindle and e-readers. You can clip it using the clip, or insert the slim neck part in between the case and the e-reader.
Keep It As A Bookmark
When finished reading, you can just put the bookmark reading light in the book and go to sleep. This works perfectly as a bookmark.
It Even Stands On Its Own
Although, it would not be that practical and stable, but if need, it can stand on its own. Just bend the neck like a C-shape and it will become a portable reading lamp.
No Need To Keep Buying Batteries
Other tiny lights that has a small size comparable to this one, runs on coin cell batteries which last for about 20 hours and then you have to buy and replace the batteries, and this cycle keeps going on.
Where this book light saves you from the hassle of buying batteries. Just charge and read. One hour of charging is enough to read upto 8 hours on lowest brightness. It means it will last for a week, if you read one hour before sleeping, everyday.
Charge It Anywhere
Once charging is finished, you can charge it easily from any USB source available. It can be your laptop, powerbank, or your phone power adaptor.
Charging Cable Will Never Be Lost
With this light, you will always have the charging cable with you, as it is built in the design of the book light. Just bend the leg and insert it into any source to start charging.
Read Without Disturbing Your Partner
The light beam it throws, does not fill your entire room. It lights up your book or kindle without disturbing your spouse. It is a personalized light that will make reading in bed easy and comfortable for you.
Read In Bed Without Disturbing Your Sleep
It has a warm color light with a color temperature of 3000K. This is proven to have less effect on sleep.
If you need even warmer light then check alternatives section at the end.
Dim Light Book Light
You have the power to decrease the amount of light to as low as 10 lumens. This is the most dim setting on this light.
Other than that you can adjust the brightness to 15, 20 and 25 lumens. This is bright enough to read easily, yet dim enough to not disturb your partner or yourself.
Prevents Headaches And Eye Statin
This luminolite bookmark reading light is covered with diffuser which spreads and softens the light. That is why, you do not feel any hash glares or hotspots on the pages of the book.
This prevents your eyes from stressing out and causing headaches.
Gift It To Book Lovers
This is a great gift idea for book lovers in your life. You can give to your spouse, kids or friends. If they love to read at night, they are definitely going to remember you whenever they use it.
Travel Friendly Portable Book Light
It has a lightweight and tiny body which is super easy to carry anywhere. Plus, there is no charging problem. You can charge it anywhere using USB cable. So, it is one of the best portable book light for travel.
Perfect For Kids Or Elders
It is safe and very easy to use. This makes it perfect for kids and elderly.
There is just one button that controls the brightness and turn on/off the light. The weight of the light is also very less which do not cause any stress when holding the book with the light clipped on. So, the kids or elders can use it easily.
No Need To Replace The Bulb
Unlike conventional reading lamps for which you have to replace the bulbs, this book light has a good quality LED that is built to last thousands of hours. No need to replace the bulb. Just charge it to read in bed. No stress, no fuss!
Return It, If You Do Not Love It
It comes with 30 day money back guarantee and 3 year warranty, so if you do not love it, simply replace it and get a new one. This long warranty period shows the quality and the confidence which the company has on its products. Get it, without thinking twice!
This is a great book reading light which is as tiny as a bookmark. Plus, it is rechargeable and has a warm color light. This makes it one of the best small book lights for reading in bed.
If you need a tiny book light for kids, but you do not mind changing coin cell batteries, and need cool color light, the cheap energizer book light is also an option. But, I do not recommend this.
Do you love to read in bed? Are you looking for the best book light that neither disturb your partner, not cause eye-strain? Then this review of Ecologic Mart Eye Care Warm Book Light, will show you why it is the Best All-in-One light, for reading in bed?
Ecologic Mart Single neck Version with 9 Levels of brightens
As you can see from the list above that the company had put a lot of thought in designing this book light. That is the reason, every book lover who loves to read in bed, will love this book light. It is highly adjustable, everyone can use this light for various needs. Be it Kids, adults or elderly.
Read in bed without disturbing your partner.
Two heads evenly illuminates both pages of books.
Warm light, plus two other cool white color light in one book light.
Get Dim light with Multiple brightness adjustment levels
Adjustable, yet sturdy gooseneck for perfect orientation
Clip-on light mounts to Books, Ereaders, Headboard and Wall.
Long lasting Rechargeable Battery & Charging Status Indicator
Replace the Battery yourself, once it dies after years of use.
Great Build Quality, backed by Awesome Customer Service.
Battery dies after 6 months, for some users (But, the company responded immediately, and replaced the light for them)
Ecologic Mart two neck version that spreads light on both pages more evenly, and has with 18 Levels of brightness, 9 in each head.
Lets review the benefits of Ecologic Mart’s eye care warm book light for reading before sleep.
Enough Brightness to read without eye strain
If you are looking for a light that is bright enough to read easily in the dark, but also dim enough that it does not poke into your eyes, then this Ecologic Mart light is a great option.
Dim light Book light
Plus, if you do not like the brightness, you always have the power to adjust it, how much bright, or dim you would like. This is especially useful when you start to feel sleepy, and want to gradually decrease the brightness.
3 Color Light in One Book light
It has three light color temperatures. 3000K, 4900K, and 7000K. So, whether you prefer warm, daylight white, or Cool white light, you will get it all three, in this one Ecologic Mart clip-on book light.
Three levels Adjustable brightness
On each head, for each color (e.g. warm color), there are three brightness levels: low, medium and high. Now, you can image how many different variations in brightness you can have with just one single book light. For two heads, and three colors, there are whooping 18 brightness levels, which is more than enough for most people.
Sometimes, you do not need warm light. You might want to stay awake and alert and study for exams. This is when cool light is useful, as it will decrease your melatonin production, so that, you will feel less sleepy. It comes in two tones of cool white light: 4900k and 7000K. 4900K is still, a bit warm and feel pleasant to eyes, while 7000K is very bright and can be used at times, when you need extremely bright light.
Flexible yet sturdy neck holds its position
It has a flexible neck that changes its direction to virtually any position your like. The neck is sturdy and holds itself once you set it.
Read in bed without disturbing your Partner
This book light is best for reading in bed without disturbing your partner, because it is dimmable, with flexible neck. If your partner is being irritated by a lot of light in the room, then you can set the brightness to the most dim possible, and adjust the light so that it points away from him or her. Now, you will be able to enjoy reading, without worrying about the sleep of your partner.
No glares, or hotspots prevents headaches
Ecologic Mart has placed a diffuser shell on top of LEDs which eliminates harsh glares or hotspots. Still if you find one, just adjust the angle of the light head so that the light does not reflect from the book.
Small, Lightweight and Portable Reading Light
Take it with you while travelling in train, car, or on a Plane. It is a small book light and weighs just 3 ounces. Just fold its neck to keep in your pocket. It has a very small footprint, that is why it would take no extra space in your bag.
Rechargeable battery lasts upto 130 hours
You can read for week on one single charge with this book light. It means, you can finish several books without worrying about plugging in or charging the battery. Whether you are out in the woods, on the road, or in the air, while travelling, you do not have to worry about the battery. It come with a huge 1200mAH rechargeable battery that lasts for up to 130 in the dim light settings, that is one arm with white light. And if you use it on natural light, at full brightness of both heads then the usage time will reduce to 2.6 hours.
Easy to Charge Battery
The micro USB charging port makes it very easy to charge your book light. Whether you are at your home, or travelling somewhere, you can easily find a micro USB cable. You can charge from different USB sources, like power banks, power bricks, laptops, and solar panels.
Long Lasting Battery
This battery is high quality which is shown in the number of charge cycles i.e. 1000. This a a lot of charge cycles, and is better than the most batteries.
Replace the battery, not the light
Even after using it for so long, when the battery eventually dies, you do not need to throw the whole book light away. Just replace the battery with a new one and you will have a new book light, again. Plus, you do not need specialized tools to change the battery. Ecologic Mart does not sell these, but you can get replacement batteries from amazon, easily.
Never Have Power Issues
It comes with a long 6 ft charging cable. Combine that with a rechargeable battery and USB charging port, and you will get a light that will never have power issues. Let me explain. First of all, there will be some charge left, whenever you will start reading it, if there is none, then you can simple charge it with any USB cable lying around, or use the long wire to plug it directly and start reading.
Charging and Battery Status indicator Shows 25, 50, 75 Or 100%
This tells you whether the battery has started charging or not. This is shown by an indicator light that changes its color. Check user manual for Specific details. This is feature is not available in most of the book light, but Ecologic Mart has focused on small details that make a big difference. This shows that it is a well thought design.
Wall Mounted Or Headboard Reading Light
This clip on book light can also be used as wall mounted reading light, due to the keyhole hanger at the back side of the base of the light. Just place a nail or a screw in the wall and hang this light over it. Or you can clip this light to your headboard. But if, the headboard is wider the the clip, then use a screw or a nail to hang it to your headboard.
Best Portable Desk Or Bedside Reading Lamp
It is also the best if you are looking for a portable desk or bedside reading lamp. You can place on any flat surface and it will free stand on its base. Despite of the small size, it throws a powerful light that is enough to replace a portable reading lamp.
Best Book Light For Kids Or Elderly
Ecologic Mart eye care warm book light, is one of the best book lights for Kids or an Elderly person. It is small and lightweight which makes it easy to carry. There will no stress on kids or elders hands when holding the book with this light clipped on. There are no complex settings, just tap the button on the back of head to operate the light. Plus it is extremely safe for kids and easy to use for elderly person.
Extremely Versatile Light Goes Wherever You Go
This light is adjustable in every possible way to adjust where you are and what kind of light you need for reading. It is way more than the best book light for reading in bed.
Complete Accessories
It is one of the very few, or might be the only book light that comes packed with all the accessories you might need. You get a charging power adaptor, capable of fast 1A charging. Most of the other book light only come with a small wire, and they expect you to use your phone charging brick. Plus, you get a soft carry bag for safe and easy travelling. This is also missing in other light. Again, these small attention to detail shows how professional and serious they are about over-delivering value to the customer.
Of all the book lights I have reviewed, this one has the longest list of benefits. This is what makes it the best clip on rechargeable eye care warm book light for reading in bed. But, there are some alternatives that you can check:
Do you love to read in bed, and looking for book light to read without disturbing your partner?
And, do you need a warm color book light that is good for sleep?
Plus, Would your love that book reading light in small size? so that your can carry it with you easily in home or while travelling!
On top of that, would you prefer a rechargeable book light? So that you do not need to worry about replacing the cells or finding a socket to plug in.
If your answer to these questions is yes, then you are at the right place where you will get to know the features and benefits of LuminoLite B076SVC7SN, that is one of the best book light for you, which will make your reading experience in bed, enjoyable and fun.
This is a best book light for kids and elderly, because it is safe and very easy to use!
And if you are thinking if this, the book light for paperback or kindle or other ereaders? Then the answer to this is also yes, due to its clip that can fit any small or large book or ereader.
Something about the company: LuminoLite is a well known brand for book lights. Earlier, there lights were available in only cool white color. But, now they have upgraded their book lights to warm colors to make them sleep friendly.
Lowest brightness is not very low for a few ( <2% )people.
A user said, it turns on accidentally, in a pocket.
Luminolite warm rechargeable clip on book light offers a lot of benefits to the bookworms who love to read in bed. This makes it one of the best accessories for book lovers who read in bed.
Bright Light
The light is bright enough to read in dark, but not too much to start poking into your eyes.
It makes the words on the books and kindle easily visible, so that you can read comfortably for long period.
Although, it is a one head book light, but the light is enough to lit both the pages of the book. Whether you are reading a small size book or a large textbook, you will be able to read the text easily.
This dimmable book light gives you the power to control the brightness however your like. There are three brightness settings: Low, Medium and High. Adjust the brightness according your need.
You can set it to Low when feeling sleepy. Or, when your partner wants to sleep and there is too much light in the room.
Sturdy, yet Flexible Gooseneck
If you are looking for flexible neck clip on book light in warm color, then it is perfectly that.
You can bend its neck to orient the light direction, however your like. The stem bends easily, yet stays there one you set it. It is a flexible, yet sturdy gooseneck.
This makes it easy for you to read by directing it on the right page.
Plus, this eliminates the glares that are produced when the light is reflecting at a certain angle. Just change the angle of the light and the glares will magically disappear.
Another benefits is that, you will be able to read without disturbing your partner, by changing the direction of the light away from him or her.
Safe and Sturdy Clip
The clip is sturdy as well. It holds the book with just the right pressure, without damaging the book.
You can use it to read paperbacks or hardcovers, without worrying about damaging the book.
Rechargeable Battery
It comes with a rechargeable battery of 1000mAH which last for a long time. If you read for about a couple of hours daily, the battery will last for about a week.
This frees you from the hassle of replacing cell batteries or finding the socket in a hotel room.
Easy USB charging
USB charging allows you to charge it anywhere. You can easily charge the battery from you laptop USB, the car charger, a powerbank, or from any micro USB charger that come with your phone.
Soft Eye care warm light book light for sleep
This Luminolite book light produces warm color light that is safe for your eyes.
Plus, the light is soft and even. It means, there are no harsh bright spots or the irritating glares on the page.
That is why, even if your reading session extends to 4-5 hours, you will not feel any stress in your eyes.
This is a portable book light for travel as well. When moving in the home, to travelling on a train, car or plane, you can easily fold it into a pocket size.
Light weight
It is light in weight which has three benefits.
One, You can easily keep it with you anywhere you go.
Second, when you clip it, it does not pulls the book down.
Third, there is no extra weight to hold, which makes hold the book with the luminolite clipped on, easy and fun.
Safe for paperbacks
Luminolite is a good clip-on book light for paperbacks. It has a clip that does not damage the pages of the paperbacks. Plus, It is a lightweight book light which does not add more weight or pulls the books down.
Words for kindle/e-readers
This can also be used to clip on to a kindle and other e-readers. The clip opens wide enough to hold the ereaders.
Well built
It is a high quality, well built product that is loved by thousands of book lovers. The base and the light head is made if plastic and the neck is made of metal.
Awesome Customer Service
They give you 30 day money back guarantee and one year warranty, if anything bad happens. Plus, there are very responsive which is why they earned the trust of a lot of bookworms. Get it from Amazon without any hesitation.
More than 80% of the book love this book light for reading in bed, because of its warm color and soft light. They love that it is adjustable and dimmable, which makes it easier for them to read without disturbing their partner. Users, also admire the long battery life that makes their life easier.
Are you looking for the reading light that attaches to the bed headboard? Whether it has a wide clip, small clip or a large clamp. All of the best options are listed.
You will find the reading lights with 2.36 inches wide clip that easily attaches to the headboard. And if you have a thicker headboard, then large Clamp-on headboard lights will work for you.
Let’s Start!
The Best Clip-on and Clamp-on Reading lights for Bed Headboard.
LePower Round-Head (Recommended)
LePower round-head light is a well made all-metal LED that is bright enough for reading in bed. You can adjust the brightness using its switch. Step-less dimming function allows you to precisely control the brightness. For nighttime reading, warm color is preferred, but you also have cool light option. The light is powered by a direct USB power source. It means you do not have to charge the batteries, or keep replacing batteries. Just find a wall socket near you and plugin the wall adapter. It come with a long 5ft wire to easily reach the socket. To adjust the angle of the light, Lepower provides you with a long 15 inches neck that is flexible and easy to move. Yet, it stays there once you set it.
LOYLOV Rechargeable (Recommended)
Rechargeable clip on headboard light with warm 4000K light for better sleep
LOYLOV Clip on light is the best rechargeable headboard light. You can also clip it to bunk or Murphy bed. It produces 4000K warm light that is better for sleep. This is the only one warm color, rechargeable battery, and a wide 2.3 inches clip. You can adjust its brightness up-to three levels to makes it bright, dim, and very dim. If your headboard is less than 1.36 inches wide, then you can use any of the best clip on book lights, which are way more portable and has multipurpose use.
Lepower Bar-head
Lepower 4 watt bar-head light with stepless dimming
This version of Lepower clip on light has step-less dimming. It means, there is continuous range of brightness that you can control by pressing the low or high buttons on wire-remote. Another difference is the design of light. It has a bar shape design. Please note that, they have a 5 watt version in the same bar shape design, that does not have stepless dimming. Rest of the things are same. This includes, both warm and cool color light, long 15’’ flexible yet sturdy goose-neck.
Luminolite 10 level brightness and memory function
The luminolite clip-on book light offers 10 levels of brightness control. You can make it very dim or very high. This is the second best thing after stepless dimming.
The problem with that many brightness levels is that you have to press the button multiple times to go to your desired brightness. Imagine, doing it every time you start to read. It would be hassle for your. So, they solved this problem with the memory function button. Just turn on the light and it will be at the last set brightness, so you can start reading immediately It has both warm 3000K color and 7000K cool lights. This makes it great for reading in bed without disturbing your sleep. The LEDs are of good quality (like all the other mentioned here) that do not flicker and prevent any kind of eye strain.
To use, just plug it to any USB power source and start reading. No batteries need to be charged before reading. It comes with a 5 ft cable to easily reach wall socket.
Luminolite offers a variety of different book lights, and they have one in this clip-on plug-in headboard lights category. Just like their other lights this one is also a great product for book lovers who love to read in bed.
Rechargeable Hooded lamp that double as a bedside lamp
Rechargeable Hooded lamp that double as a bedside lamp
This rechargeable book light has a large 2.36’’ clip, 10’’ long flexible yet sturdy neck and no-flicker LED light. Its neck is slightly shorter than the other lights mentioned above. With this, you do not need to find the Usb port or wall socket, as it runs on rechargeable battery.
The only problem with this light is that it is only available in cool color light, which is not ideal for bedtime reading. This color light disturbs sleep and irritates light-sensitive bookworms. There are warm lights available but their clip size is 1.36’’ wide, or 2’’ wide. Other than that, it is a good light for reading and clipping it to headboard.
It is very easy to use. Just charge it for 1.5 hours using any USB power source, and use it for 4-8 depending upon the brightness. You can adjust the brightness up-to three levels: low, medium and high.
Dual-Head Unique Design
Dual-Head Unique design headboard light
This is a unique design that provide two cool color lights. But for reading in bed… I do not think it is a great choice, because you do not need that much light or that option. What you need is a dimmable focused light in warm color. This clip-on light does not provide that.
Alternatives of Clip-on Headboard lights for bedtime reading
The clip-on lights listed above are a great fit for certain types of use, but you can also explore options by checking the Best reading lights for bed
Somnilight book light produces amber color light that has color temperature of 1500K. On light spectrum that ranges from 510nm to the 700nm. In simple words, there is no blue wavelength light. It means, reading with this light will not disturb your melatonin production or sleep.
Plus, It is rechargeable and lasts for 20 hours on one charge. That is enough for a couple of weeks if you read for an hour a day.
Moreover, you can clip it to any paperback or hardcover books easily without damaging pages or adding a lot of weight. Or use this warm amber book light for reading on Kindle
The only downside is the price that is two-times the price of other high quality warm book lights. Specially, if you consider the fact that the battery stops charging after a year of use (source: user complain). The battery is not replaceable like the one in Ecologic Mart book light
1500K color – The Warmest of all warm book lights
Native Amber LED feels like candlelight
USB Rechargeable battery lasts 20 hours
Dual-Head with flexible neck
Adjustable brightness levels – from very dim to bright
3.2 oz Lightweight and portable
Sturdy clip that does not damage the pages
Warm amber book light for kindle
Higher price than other warm book lights
The rechargeable battery lasts for year, and is not replaceable.
Dual head design might be necessary for some.
The light is very bright for some, even at one head low settings.
The light leaks out
Possible solutions to Cons
Get a lower price book light shown in alternative section below, and cover that book light with an amber color film
For leaking light, and overly bright light, cover it with black tape.
Somnilight amber book light is very easy to use. Just clip it to the book or the kindle and adjust the position of the head. Turn in on by pressing the buttons on the back of the head, and press multiple time to adjust the brightness, and start enjoying your favourite book.
Helps You Sleep Better – No Blue-light
Using this amber book light, you will be able to read in bed without disturbing your sleep. You will sleep earlier, and get a better quality deep sleep. The reason is the absence of blue light, that decreases melatonin production, which then delays your sleep cycle.
This is the only clip on book light with 1500K color temperature Native LEDs. These provide the warmest light possible light. Or the amber light just like the flame of the candle.
Native LEDs means, LEDs produce amber color light. There is no coating on the LEDs that make it amber.
Does Not Disturb Your Partner
If you are struggling to read in bed without disturbing your partner, then this is a great solution. Just point the light away from your partner, and read in the very dim settings – one side, low setting only. If some lights leaks out, it will be less harmful to sleep, because of its amber color.
But, for the few users who are super sensitive to light during nighttime, even the little amount of light is enough to disturb their sleep. In that case, cover the light with black tape, or read my article on how to read in bed without disturbing your partner.
Read Longer Without Eye Strain
If you read a lot in bed, and that stresses your eye, then Somnilight book light will be a great help to. You will be able to read for long period without any eye strain. Thanks to its high quality LED that has no flicker, amber color light that is less irritating to eyes, the ability to dim the brightness, and smooth light without hotspots or glares.
But, it is not for all. For example, A user found that it is not that best for him and her wife, so he called the company. They responded promptly, and refunded them. So, do not worry, if that does not work for you.
Lightweight and Portable
Somnilight amber book light with a built-in rechargeable battery weighs just 3.2 ounces. It is not the most lightweight, but still does not add much weight when you clip it to the book or e-reader.
Being lightweight, also makes it a great travel friendly portable book light that you can take anywhere you go.
Works with Paperbacks
As it is a lightweight book light, so you can attach it to paperbacks without adding a lot of weight to them. But, it is not the most light, so it is not the the best book light for paperbacks. You can say, it works though.
For magazines and flimsy books, it is not recommended, because of its two heads that can be difficult to manage.
Sturdy Clip For Books And Ereaders
Its clip is sturdy enough to hold the books, yet soft enough that is easy to operate. Even kids can use it easily. Plus, it does not damage the pages of the books.
If you plan to use it with kindle or any other e-reader, then it works perfectly with that as well.
Direct The Light Precisely
You have the power to control the direction of light precisely. Its sturdy yet adjustable gooseneck is easy to maneuver, and once set, keeps its position.
Using this, you can direct the light away from your partner, or change the light direction if it is causing glares on the book or e-reader screen.
Long Lasting rechargeable battery with charge indicator
It has a built in battery that is enough for reading 20 hours. Practically, this will last for weeks, if you read for a couple of hours every night before sleeping. Now, you do not have to find a plug, or keep changing the batteries.
Its hassle free rechargeable battery also has a charge indicator that turns green when the charging is complete. This protects your battery from overcharging.
But, like other Lithium-ion batteries, it does not last a lifetime. Some users say that it lasted for almost a year, while they were expecting 4-5 years, in this price. It is something that you should keep in mind before buying. If you want a warm book light for which you can change the battery then check out Ecologic mart book light with rechargeable and replaceable battery, or other best book lights.
Charge It Anywhere – USB Charger Included
It uses a standard USB charger to charge the battery. That is easily available in laptops, power banks, computers, and mobile chargers. So even if you forget the charger in home, you will not have to worry about charging it.
The company has included the power adapter in the package. Most book lights only provide the cable, and not the wall adaptor.
Bright Amber Headboard Light
If you are looking for an portable amber color headboard reading light, then you can use this book light. It is bright enough to be used as a headboard book light. Just turn on the brightness to full and use the both heads.
Very Dim Book Light For Light Sensitive Book Lovers
It is not only bright, but can also be used as a very dim book light. For that, use one head, and use it in the lowest brightness.
Still, if you find the light to be bright, then there are two options. Either get a warm light with more levels of brightness, or cover this with a black tape, leaving only a small area to let the light come out.
Amber Book Light for Kids
If you are worried about your kids who read at night, and their sleep is delayed, then this amber light will be helpful. With its amber light, your kids will sleep earlier and get a deeper better quality sleep than they normally do.
Amber Book Light for Elders
This is a great light for elders as is, but if he or she has vision problems, the the Somnilight amber lamp with magnifying glass would be a better option. It has the same 1500K amber LEDs, plus the magnifying glass for clear reading.
Good Customer Service
If you do not like the light, or the light has some problems then do not worry, the company will listen to your, and do their best to treat your complaint. You can buy Somnilight with confidence.
The best alternative is mentioned at the top, i.e. Hoogalite.
Ecologic mart eye care book light (Review, Amazon)- This is a dual-head, dual color (warm and cool), Rechargeable book light. It is the best all in one book light. The design of this light is well thought out and improved over the years. It is only on with replaceable battery.
Luminolite warm book light (Review, Amazon) – If you find Ecologic Mart dual-head option to be too bulky, then this is also a great option. It is loved by thousands of book lovers due to its lightweight, and ease of use.
Luminolite bookmark light in warm color (Review, Amazon) – It is also a tiny bookmark size book light that is so slim that you can put it in a book. The total length is 10’’ from the one tip to the other. Plus, you get a rechargeable battery with built in charging cable.
if you are looking for a coupon code, then check these codes:
It is expensive but worth it, as it is the only amber color book light in 1500K color temperature. Just read the cons and alternatives before buying to make an informed decision.
Do you love to read in bed, but reading with LED lights is just too much for your eyes? Do you want an incandescent reading light, because your eyes cannot bear even a slight flicker in the LED lights? Then this article is for you.
Incandescent Reading Lights
In this guide, you will get to know the different options available in incandescent reading lights. These non-LED lights are designed for comfort—not intense light—and they provide a nice warm glow without the harsh flicker that could give you headaches.
1. Incandescent Book Light
It’s easy to find incandescent bulb lamps but a clip-on book light with an incandescent bulb is hard to come by. So, if you are looking for a book light with an incandescent bulb, then you have only one option: Zelco itty bitty incandescent book light.
Zelco itty bitty incandescent book light is easy to use, lightweight and portable. Its light source is a small incandescent bulb that is bright enough to read comfortably without disturbing your partner. The only downside of this book light is that it needs to be plugged into a power source, which means the power cord can’t be detached from the light. You either power it with a separate battery pack or an AC Adapter. The battery pack is heavy and you have to keep on replacing the c-cell batteries. The AC Adapter is a more convenient option but it is bulky too, and you need to carry it along with the light.
Here are some images and links to the original/first version of that same light.
This is called the paperback edition of Zelco book light. It is basically the same as the Zeclo – the original one. Zelco itty bitty book light – The Original One Amazon link
And if you are getting one of these lights, it is recommended that you get a set of spare bulbs as well. Here is a link to that.
Finally, I would urge you to consider the LED alternatives. See, LED technology has improved, which means that you can now get a LED clip-on book light with high-quality light that does not flicker. That would be much easier to use, has long-lasting rechargeable batteries, and comes with amber-colored and warm-colored lights similar to the incandescent bulbs’ color. For more info, check my reviews on those lights at this link.
2. Incandescent Clamp-on Lamp
Clip-on Incandescent (Halogen/Tungsten) Reading Lights for Bedside Table, Headboard, or Desk.
Incandescent clamp-on lamps are great if you read at one place continuously every day for hours and hours. They are great if you also occasionally change your location. Incandescent lamps do not require a permanent fixture, as you can install them without needing any tools or using any permanent fixtures. These are perfect for the reader who wants to have a light source on the bedside table, headboard, or desk.
Here is one of the best clamp-on lamps that can use incandescent (aka halogen or tungsten) or LED bulb
Globe Electric Clamp-on Lamp is a great option for reading in bed. With an adjustable arm, you can easily direct light where you need it most. It can be used as a clamp-on headboard lamp or a desk lamp. Plus, you can mount this lamp anywhere you need light (up to 2″ wide). Simply turn it on by the on-off switch that is located at the top of the lampshade. It can be used with a halogen/tungsten/incandescent or LED bulb. The price is also very reasonable, which is why I chose this one.
You can position it on the book when you have settled in bed in your pajamas and a cozy blanket. Use its multi-joint system to direct the light precisely in any direction. You can direct it away from your partner so that he or she can sleep while you are reading.
Another option is to get this Small Gooseneck Lamp
Because of its small neck and little maneuverability, the Xtricity Clamp-on Lamp is ideal for those who do not need to move around too much. This clamp cannot be used on thicker boards due to its relatively small size. The price of this lamp is affordable for most people who are looking to try out clamp-on incandescent lamps.
3. Incandescent Desk lamp
An incandescent desk lamp can be a good reading light choice if you want to use it for reading in bed. It is much brighter than a table lamp and the lighting is more focused. These lamps are great for people who read in multiple places in their home, for example, bed, sofa, or chair and desk. Another reason to choose incandescent desk lamps is the look and style. Plus, These are easy to set up.
Let’s take a look at two of the best incandescent desk lamps that you can easily find on Amazon.
LePower Desk lamp is a great incandescent desk lamp for reading in bed or on a desk. With a sturdy, adjustable neck and a classic design, this lamp is suitable for every room of your home, not just your living room. You can direct the light on the book precisely without disturbing your partner while you read in bed. For most people, this lamp will be perfect.
If you attach it to the provided clamp, it can be used as a clip-on or clamp-on lamp that you can use on the desk or the headboard in your bedroom. The price is reasonable too—not too expensive but without any compromise on its quality and function.
Modern Matte Brass Table Lamp by Globe electric is a modern and stylish-looking lamp with a lot of adjust-ability (but lesser than the swing arm Lepower). The head is also cylindrical that keeps the light in a tight area. This is especially helpful when you want to read without disturbing your spouse. This elegant lamp can be used as an incandescent or LED desk lamp.
4. Incandescent Floor Lamps
If you read at multiple locations in your home, like your favorite reading nook, your bed, on the floor, or the couch, then this type of incandescent reading lamp is the best choice for you. Take it anywhere in your home, and adjust it however you like. There will be plenty of light for you to read. Plus, you do not need any setup – Just plug in and start reading!
Swing Arm Floor Lamp By Lepower is the most adjustable incandescent floor reading light that you can take anywhere in your home and set at any angle or height. It is the same head of the Lepower table lamp and the Lepower clamp-on lamp. The company just added the floor-standing base under the swing arm mechanism.
Gooseneck Floor Lamp is again from LePower. The gooseneck is more flexible and provides you 360 degrees of rotation. But the problem is that the length of the neck is relatively less. It means you have to place it away from the book, due to which a lot of light will leak out that will disturb your partner. You can get it in any of the 7 colors available.
5. Wall-mounted Incandescent Reading Light
The wall-mounted light is best if you want to read at one place every day. It requires wall-fixing, which makes it harder to change the reading place. But once fixed, you should not have any problem using it permanently.
Incandescent wall-mounted lights are efficient and give off a nice light. Since you do not need to keep on plugging them in, they are great if you want a permanent fixture that will be there when you need it.
Wall incandescent lamp by Trife is a heavy-duty dimmable lamp. This is one of the best wall lamps for reading, due to its quality finish and the ability to change brightness and rotation angle. With a twist of a knob, you can switch between the different modes (Soft Light and Bright Light). It is also completely adjustable, so you can set the light in such a way that it won’t disturb your partner while you read. You need not worry about keeping on plugging in the lamp because as long as it is mounted on a wall, you do not have to worry about its power being interrupted.
The Gooseneck Wall Sconce by Globe Electric is a fantastic and functional piece of lighting. Its simple design makes it blend well with most bedroom or living room decor. But don’t let the simple design fool you! This light can be used in more ways than you’ll ever know.
The light it emits is a soft yellow glow that does not strain your eyes. Plus, you can adjust the brightness according to your comfort level. This sconce comes with a gooseneck so you can easily adjust the angle of the light to shine onto your book (or other reading material) without bothering or annoying your mate trying to sleep next to you.
It has a great modern yet classic look, suitable for both contemporary and traditional styles.
Q: Recommend Incandescent or halogen Bulbs For These Lights?
This is a collection of the best incandescent or halogen book reading lights, ranging from the smallest and pocket-able to the largest and the fixed ones.
If you have someone in your life who is suffering from Parkinson’s, you know how painful it is to watch that person suffer through this debilitating illness. It can be highly frustrating to see your loved one struggling to hold a book, and you can’t just grab and hand it to them.
Whether you’re diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, are a caregiver, or want to help, this article will show you how to find the best bookholders for Parkinson’s patients.
Therefore, I have selected some of the best book holders for Parkinson’s patients that will allow them to read hands-free while sitting or lying in bed.
Best Book holders for Parkinson’s patients
For many people, carrying a book can be a significant chore. Books can weigh a lot and are bulky to carry. But, for people with Parkinson’s disease, carrying a book can be a real challenge. To make it easier for Parkinson’s patients to carry their books, I’ve rounded up a list of book holders that make reading more accessible and fun.
Note: For the following, click the image of the book holder you like to check the price and more information on
1. Levo book holder for reading on the chair and in bed
This is a good floor-standing book holder for Parkinson’s patients who need to read in bed or sit in a chair. It has a sturdy frame that can hold various books and e-readers and adjust easily. For example, you can adjust the book’s position to be comfortable while reading in bed. Turning pages is also easy, and the best part is that Levo can hold the book over your head when you want to read lying down flat.
2. Mind Reader Bookstand
If you are looking for multipurpose, lightweight book stands for holding books or magazines, this is for you. It has a sturdy, collapsible frame, easy to use, and holds various books. It can be adjusted to be comfortable for reading while sitting in a chair or reading in bed. The best part is that it has built-in page holders.
3. Superior Essentials Book holder with light
This is a suitable book holder for Parkinson’s patients who want to read on their desk or overbed table. It holds books securely and folds flat for easy storage. This book holder is also an excellent idea for people who travel and need to take their books along. The light comes with the book holder and is attached by a clip. You can adjust the angle of the light to suit your preference.
4. The Book Seat book holder pillow
This is a good bookholder for Parkinson’s patients who like to read lying down or on a sofa. It holds the books in place. It’s a good idea to use this book holder as a pillow. The slight adjustment in angle is reasonable because it allows you to read at different angles without moving the book. This book holder is light and easy to carry, so you can also use this book holder for reading while traveling. It also works with leaders and is easy to clean.
5. FlipKlip Portable Page Holder
Flipklip is a page holder that works with all kinds of books and makes reading more manageable and more convenient by holding the pages open. The delicate clamping action of this book holder means it is perfect for turning the pages. Among the best page holders, this one is best for Parkin’s patients who want a simple, pocketable solution to keep the books open will love this book page holder. They can carry it with them anywhere and use it to keep open their book’s pages.
6. Rounds Book holder arm for Bed
If you mostly read in bed in one place, this book holder arm is a good solution. It’s a flexible arm that can hold books in front of your eyes. It is not as sturdy as the floor book stand, but it is easy to use, and it seems like the book is floating in mid-air at a perfect angle and height. The only downside, it’s not as sturdy as the floor book stand, but it’s good enough to hold your book for reading.
7. Wishacc Reading Mount Holder
This is an alternative to the bookholder arm mentioned above, but it is sturdy. It has a sturdy base so you don’t need to worry about the stability of the book holder arm. You can put books on top of this holder’s arm, and it holds them perfectly. It also has a page holder to keep your book open and hands-free. This book holder arm is ideal for people who read mostly in bed. This book holder is easy to set up and use, making it perfect for people who want a simple solution to keep the books open while reading in bed, chair, or desk.
8. Cushioned Lap desk with eight adjustable angles
Mind Reader is cushioned Lap desk with an adjustable angle. You can choose among the eight preset angles and position the book at the right incline. It is lightweight and easy to carry, and a handle at the top makes it easy even for Parkinson’s patients. They can use it on the bed or couch in a sitting posture. The cushion at the bottom provides a balance of stability and comfort, plus the design of the pillow allows the air to pass through and not cause sweating. The only downside is that it does not come with a page holder, so You will need a FlipKlip page holder to read hands-free.
Conclusion – How do they compare with each other?
Levo is the best option as it can help Parkinson’s patients read in bed or couch, anywhere in the home or office, truly hands-free. Then comes the rest of them. You can choose them based on the specific use case. For example, if you do not want to raise the height or change the angle, FlipKlip will work fine. The book seat is great as it doubles as a pillow too. Mind Reader cushioned lap desk, or the adjustable book stand should be preferred when you want to use the laptop on the tabletop. Finally, a superior essentials book holder is great for reading on a desk or over-bed table.
Do you love to read in bed but are worried that blue light will disturb your sleep? Do not worry, because here you will find how can you read at night without
How to read at night without blue light?
Use a book light that does not emit blue light, and turn off all other others lights.
If your book reading light emits blue light, then cover it up with blue-light-blocking film.
Or you can wear blue light blocking glasses to block blue light from all the lights in your room, or outdoors.
You can choose any of these three options, or use a combination of them to make your reading experience in bed, blue light free. Now let me explain these in detail…
1. Use a blue-light-free book light
The first option is to use a blue-light-free book light to read in bed. If you are wondering how do I know if a light is blue light-free or not? Then, check the color temperature of that light, as it indicates the amount of blue light in any light. Less color temperature indicates less blue light.
I would recommend getting book reading lights with color temperatures less than 3000K. 2700K is even better. These are commonly called eye care warm book reading lights.
The best option, with the least amount of blue light, has a color temperature of below 2000K. It is an amber color book light. Its color is the same as the color of the flame of the candlelight.
2. Cover the lights with the blue-light-blocking film
If you have a book reading light that you love and do not want to change, then you can simply cover the light with an amber color film which will block most of the blue light. They stick to the light like a sticker.
3. Cover your eyes with Blue-light-blocking glasses
Another option is to get blue light-blocking glasses. Get these if you not want to protect yourself from all the blue light sources, including indoor and outdoor sources.
When you wear blue blockers, you not only save yourself from the blue light coming out of lights in your bedroom, but floodlights in your street as well.
You can get an inexpensive pair of blue light-blocking glasses to check if it work for you and then move towards more expensive options. But, if you are style-conscious, some stylish blue blockers are also available. For those who wear reading glasses, fit-over blue are blockers available.
Modern science proves that blue light disturbs our sleep rhythm. It is present in book lights, LED TVs, and other any light that has a color temperature of more than 3000K.
You will be amazed to know that nature has a subtle way of controlling and synchronizing our sleep with the environment. When the sun shines, it emits a blue wavelength in it. When absorbed by our eyes, it sends a signal through our brain that it is daytime. When your brain gets that signal, it suppresses the Melatonin hormone, making you feel alert and active. The lack of sunshine results in a lack of blue light which increases melatonin.
But our sleep gets delayed if we get the same blue light through artificial light sources like LED TVs, reading lights, Booklights, and our mobile phones.
Protecting yourself in the evenings and nighttime is important to get a good quality sleep. But if you love to read at night, then make sure that you block the blue light either by using an amber or warm color light or wearing blue light-blocking glasses. Or you can get both of these and be on the safer side.
Just one hour of blue light exposure delays your sleep for up to 6 hours, and one hour exposure to green light delays it for three hours. So do you still want to expose your eyes to blue light in the evenings? No way!
Then, here you will find the
Reviews of Best Blue Wavelength Blocking Glasses
This section will list the reviews of the best blue light blocking glasses for reading and computer use. It is further divided into two sub-sections. One section is for the glasses designed to be used without prescription glasses, or they can have prescription or magnification lenses directly inside the frame, like Gamma Ray. The second section is for the blue light blockers worn over the prescription or reading glasses. Hence they get the name: Fit-over blue light blocking glasses.
For Perfect Eyesight
If you do not wear any prescription glasses, then there Blue light blocking is best for you. I have listed three kinds of glasses here: Cheap, Mid-range, and Expensive.
Let us start with the cheapest option that is also the most recommended one. It is the Uvex Skyper. And here is
Uvex Skyper Review – Cheapest, yet Effective!
If you are constantly exposed to a lot of blue light in the evenings, and you find it difficult to sleep, then you must get one. It will give you better quality sleep by blocking more than 98% of the blue light from your iPad, Kindle, TV screen, or any other blue light in the room.
Most of the blue blockers block just 50 to 70 percent of the blue light. Some glasses block 90 percent, but very few blocks this much blue light.
Now something about the company and the name. It is a German company which has been there since the 1950s. Uvex’s name has two parts. UV and EX. UV stands for Ultraviolet light, and Ex means excluded. So, Uvex means something that excludes all the Ultraviolet light. As the name suggests, they block most of the UV and blue light.
These have orange-tinted glasses that use a special Spectrum-Control-Technology to block almost all the harmful blue light.
They also help to increase the clarity of the text. In addition, your eyes will feel more relaxed as compared to reading without them.
It has a great industrial design that is very comfortable to wear for a long time, but this design does not look cool. If you want better-looking glasses, then there are other options available, like Duco, Gunnar, and Gamma-Ray glasses, but they block less blue light as compared to these glasses.
These are available in only one size, but it fits most people well. Take it as a first step towards blocking blue light in the evenings. Then, try it for yourself; give it to kids, your spouse, and everyone else you love. See the results, and then move towards better-looking and more expensive options.
There are two adjustments that these classes offer.
One is the length of temple arms. You can increase or decrease their length up to three different levels, so that they fit you well and you can wear them comfortably.
Second is the inclination of the glass. It helps your glasses to better adjust with your face to maximize comfort and ease of use.
Its fixed nose bridge sits comfortably on your nose without creating any pressure points and helps glasses stay without slipping.
These glasses completely wrap over your eyes, blocking any blue light even from the side. This kind of design is not available in other, more expensive options.
They have a special Uvex extreme anti-fog coating which will help them remain clean and clear in foggy weather or when you are enjoying hot coffee. The steam of the coffee will not blur the lens.
It is a quality product made in the USA and meets ANSI standards Z87+ standard and CSA Z94.3 standard.
These Uvex glasses do the job of blocking blue light very well, even if you compare them with the highly-priced glasses.
The only thing they lack in style. I know, It is a subjective thing and can differ from person to person. But still, I have noticed that most people find it industrial-looking, boring, and lacking any character.
You can take it as a first step towards better sleep. Get these classes and try them for yourself, and once you are convinced, it works for you because you have the best quality sleep and feel a better quality of life. Then, you are ready to invest in more expensive blue-light-blocking glasses, and you can look for other pricier options under $50 or $100. Those expensive glasses are stylish, and you can easily wear them at a party while dining out with a friend or walking in a shopping mall.
These glasses also help you read in bed when you don’t have a warm or amber color book light. You can use any book light and wear those glasses, and these glasses will block out most of the blue light.
They are designed such that not only are the glasses budget-friendly, but repairs are easy as well. It is because only the lenses can be removed and replaced separately. It means, If an accident happens and your lens breaks, then you can economically replace the lens, but the frame stays the same.
These glasses are not for the people who wear prescription glasses. But you don’t have to worry, because there are two options available for you.
Either you can buy clip-on lenses that glasses can clip onto your existing glasses, Or you can get a fit over glasses. Uvex also makes fit-over glasses, and there are other companies as well that make those.
You should not wear these or any other blue light blocking glasses while driving as these block almost all the blue light. This, in turn, can reduce the visibility of blue objects in front of you. If you wear them while driving, the glare from other car headlights will reduce, which is good, but some objects with proper light will be difficult to see, and it can be highly dangerous.
Duco Review
Duco has two versions. Light yellow and amber-tinted.
Light yellow glasses block lesser blue light and let more colors in, and that is why you can still see the difference in colors. These can be used for gaming or for working on the computer.
Amber color glasses block more blue light, but you will not see the difference in colors as clearly as you do with other glasses. And colors do not matter while reading, making them ideal for reading purposes, especially if you read at night.
Duco Light Yellow Review
Let’s review Duco glasses which are primarily video gaming glasses or computer glasses.
This has a stylish-looking design with yellow-tinted lenses. They do not make it look like you are in an orange glass bottle. Rather everything looks normal with a slight yellow tint. Compared to the Uvex Skyper, they look better and are priced slightly higher, but they block less blue light.
The quality of the lenses is great. It is made from good quality materials. Plus, there is an anti-glare coating to reduce the reflections. It means your eyes will not get fatigued.
Duco claims that their glasses increase the clarity. I think It is not true, and what they just mean to say is that it maintains the clarity of the objects or the text you are seeing.
The temples are so thin and minimal that you can easily use them while using your favorite headphones. In addition, they will not cause any stress to your ears.
As you will be using these glasses for a long time, they must have a robust build to withstand daily use easily. To accomplish that, Duco used the injection molding process to extrude plastic temples in one go. This enables them to be strong yet flexible. In addition, it is practically unbreakable as you can bend its temple arms up to 90 degrees, and they will not break. Plus, to enhance the safety of the glasses, they have included a hardshell case to protect the glasses from any scratches.
They are extremely light and have an ergonomic design. Their weight is just 20 grams which are feather-light. In addition, their nose pad has a curve that enables the weight of the glasses to be distributed over a large area, so you do not feel any stress. But when compared to Uvex Skyper, the nose pad is not as broad and wide as it is in Uvex glasses.
Suppose you compare the Duco VS Gunnar. Duco glasses do not magnify things like the Gunnar, which has slight magnification to its lens. It is important because some people like glasses with magnification as it makes it easier for them to read, but others find it difficult to wear them for long as it causes headaches. So if you are just starting, you should go for the zero magnification lens, which is this one.
It is perfect for men, women, teens, kids, and everyone who uses computers or tablets in the evenings. It will help them get the more deep sleep that most of us are deprived of in this digital age.
These are mid-range glasses that are reasonably priced. They are about double the price of Uvex but still cost way less than the Swannies or Gunnar.
If you are not satisfied with the results, you ask for your money back, as it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
These are great for office use. You can wear them and protect yourself from the blue light that comes from computer screens. Plus, they are feather light, look stylish, and are fairly priced.
These are great classes, and once you try them, you will find that you can wear them for longer sessions without causing any discomfort. And once you are used to it, then it will be difficult to leave these glasses. I mean, who wants burning eyes, headaches, and sleepless nights?
These glasses block blue light from digital readers like iPad or Kindle, but these do not block that much. So you should also get a pair that blocks more than 98% of the blue light to get the maximum benefit. That would be ideal for reading in bed.
Duco Pro Amber tinted Review
Let’s review Duco 223 Pro, which has an amber-tinted lens that blocks more blue light than its brother. However, due to the darker yellow color, they block 90% of the harmful blue light. That is why it not only protects you from eye dryness, eyes strain, and headaches, but it also enhances your melatonin production for even better sleep.
You hardly notice the presence of these glasses on your face, as, like their brother, they are also ultra-lightweight. However, if you compare them to the Swannies, which have acetate frames, Duco glasses are 50% lighter, and when compared to other similar plastic glasses, they are 60% light.
Their temple arms are also the same, with the same durability and flexibility. So, they are also very comfortable to wear for long.
They are large enough to fit any face comfortably. One size fits most Men, women, and kids, and everyone is going to love them.
They also have the same anti-glare coating, which prevents your eyes from unnecessary strain.
They are one of the best glasses for nighttime reading, whether you read on iPad, Kindle, or read real books. But Suppose you want to use them during the daytime when you are in your office, partying with your friends or traveling to your home. In that case, they are also perfect because they look stylish so that you do not feel awkward and everybody is not laughing at you in social gatherings.
Spektrum Computer Glasses Review
Let’s look at the features of Prospek computer glasses by a company named Spectrum Glasses, and see how they are good for kids, teenagers, elders, or anyone trying to save their eyes from blue light?
If you want the style of Duco glasses and the function of Uvex glasses, then it is the way to go. Plus, you get anti-glare and anti-oil coating with some scratch resistance. All that in a price that is three times the price of Duco and six times the price of Uvex glasses.
They look stylish so that you can wear them in any public place with confidence. Or you can use them while reading in bed.
They block 99% of the blue light. Thanks to their patented lens technology.
The frame of the glasses is made of plastic which makes them lighter. As a result, there will be no stress on your nose even if you use them for 10 hours a day.
They help keep your eyes fresh and prevent eye fatigue when you use a computer or read for a longer period. It is because of its anti-reflective coating that blocks all the stray light.
These have an Anti-fog coating so that they do not steam up when you have a hot coffee cup.
They also have an anti-oil coating so that fingerprint does not stick easily. And they are not dust magnets. This makes them stay clean for longer without having to maintain them continuously.
They also block 100% of UV light that includes UVA and UVB.
There is zero magnification on them.
They come in their case and a cleaning cloth. The lenses are made of plastic, but the plastic is of good quality. You will not find quality lacking anywhere.
Their 90-days satisfaction guarantee ensures that you buy them without any worry. If, in any case, you do not like the glasses, return them.
These are ideal for you if you work on the computer for long hours to submit a report or complete the project. It is good for a computer programmer or a reader who loves to read before bed, but not for a gamer or a digital designer who works on Adobe Photoshop or a video editor. In programming or reading, you do not need the color accuracy which you do need in other tasks.
If you work on a computer the whole day, watch TV at night, and then read on your Kindle before going to bed, you are absorbing a lot of blue light. This might have caused you headaches, but those problems will be a thing of the past after using these glasses. Your eyes will feel relieved. You will have better deep sleep and wake up feeling fresh.
Spektrum Prospek for kids and teens
These are the blue-light-blocking glasses that are specifically designed for kids and teens. Their vibrant colors look cool, but they block lesser blue light. These do not make a difference, and that is why you should get them for your kids or grandchildren. Let me explain. As they only block 50% of blue light, they do not make an instant difference in your kid’s sleep cycles. These glasses will not cure their eye strain in one day. But they will still see the color as they are used to. Everything will not become orange or amber-colored. That is why they are most likely to keep using these glasses. As a result of reducing blue light into their system, you will gradually feel the difference in their sleep. As they say, something is better than nothing.
So, I would not recommend getting these as the first choice because you won’t get the full effect: increased Melatonin, more deep sleep, no headaches, and lesser strain or eye fatigue. But the main purpose of these classes is that the color of the surrounding does not change, so it will be easier for kids to adapt to these glasses. Imagine giving a true blue-blocker with the orange-tinted lens to a child. They will instantly feel the difference and might not want to keep them on. But these glasses will protect them from half of the dangerous blue light in the evening, and he will happily wear them because of the colors and style.
Swanwick glasses review
If your blue light blocking glasses do not fit you well because they are only available in one standard size, then Swanwick glasses are a great option. Now everyone in your family can have the glasses that fit them perfectly. They are available in small, regular, large, and kids sizes. But the availability of the different sizes is not the only plus point that these glasses have. These are some of the most popular blue light blocking glasses loved by many celebrities. Maybe this is why they are expensive, and that is my next point—the price. These glasses are expensive, especially when you consider Uvex and Duco. However, they defend the price by claiming that: Not only the Swannies is the first to make blue light blocking glasses, but they make the glasses that are specifically designed to give you better sleep. They say that Uvex glasses are just orange-tinted safety glasses, and their primary purpose is not to give you a better sleep. I do not buy that argument because Uvex glasses do the job very well. If you do not agree, tell me why?
If the price is not an issue, and you love how they fit, then I must say that these are a great pair of blue-blocking glasses that help you sleep better. You can use them for reading before bed or while using the computer. I especially like their kid’s size option as it will help the young ones play video games on their phones or tablets. Another reason why the price is high is that they are build using top-quality materials, be it the acetate frame, the spring hinges, or the polycarbonate lens. This is a tiny investment that you make for better sleep. You will be using them for years so that they will be paid off well. So, if you want to get these blue blockers for quality, style, and perfect fit, then that is a good decision. These are good for parents who are worried about the health of the kids who wear industrial glasses, but they are constantly stuck to the screens, whether it is for playing games or doing some serious work. These will make them look cool while taking care of their eyes and sleep. It is a good investment in their health.
Gamma Ray 009 Computer & Reading Glasses Review
Gamma rays 009 are among the cheapest blue blockers that look stylish and block more than 90% of the blue light. That is how you get good quality sleep, there is less strain on your eyes, and you also do not get headaches. These are a great alternative to expensive options like Swannies and Gunnars computer glasses.
These are good as reading glasses that block blue light as well. There is also an option to choose from 6 magnification levels. It means that these can be used as blue-light-blocking reading glasses. But there is one problem that you might face. The lenses get smudged easily, and it is difficult to keep them clean for a longer period.
Gamma Ray blue blockers have three models: 003, 007, and 009. All of them are blue blockers. They help relieve eye strain and give you better sleep. But the difference is that 007 and 003 block lesser blue light, and the lens color is also different. This makes them good for wearing in the office or working on digital graphics. But the ability to different colors comes at a cost. They block just 50 to 70% of blue light, whereas 009, which we discuss here, blocks 90% of the blue light.
Now, if you want to use blue blockers just for reading, I strongly recommend you buy the 009 version that blocks blue light the most.
The glasses not only look good, but they also feel comfortable to wear because they are light in weight and weigh just 22 grams. The frame of these glasses is made of metal which makes temple arms flexible yet durable enough to withstand daily use. In addition, it has nose pads designed to distribute the weight of the glasses evenly so that you do not get pressure points on your nose, and you can wear them for a long time. Whether you wear it for up to 10 to 12 hours for the whole day, you won’t feel any stress on your nose or your eyes.
It is a quality product that FDA approves. Plus, it meets ANSI standard, ISO standard, and EU standards of quality.
Considering the style, price, and performance, I would strongly recommend you these glasses. And if you are not satisfied, they offer 90 days money-back guarantee, a lifetime frame, and a lens-breakage warranty.
That Fit over prescription glasses
Regular blue-light-blocking glasses will not work for you. So, in this case, you have two options:
Fitover glasses
Clip on lens
Fitover glasses:
The biggest plus point of these large fit-over glasses is that they cover up the whole field of view, and no blue light can harm your sleep, even from the sides.
Before buying the wrap-around fit-over glasses, you must check if they can fit over your glasses because sometimes they are not large enough to cover the glasses completely, which is irritating to see.
The downside of fit-over glasses is that they add bulk and weight to your face. This can cause discomfort if you plan to use them for longer reading sessions. But not all the glasses are built the same. If the manufacturer has taken care of and designed them so that their weight is evenly distributed, it will easily become your habit, and you would not even notice wearing them.
Clip-on lens:
The biggest advantage of this design is that they can clip onto any prescription glasses, no matter which size they are. The design of these lenses is pretty minimal, and that is why they are also very light. They are handy to keep them with yourself all the time, whether you are traveling in the office for reading in bed.
But the downside is that they let stray blue light in your eyes.
Uvex S0360X review
Let us look at the features of Uvex and see how it is different from the Uvex Skyper? And how is it perfect for those who wear prescription glasses?
Uvex S 360 X is different from its brother, Uvex Skyper. These are bigger, they do not have a black bar to hold the lenses, and their lens color is also orange, not amber.
As you know, Orange-tinted and amber-color lenses block most blue light. These glasses use Orange tinted lenses which block more than 90% of the blue color light. This color has the most energy in it. Hence it is the most damaging to the eyes and sleep.
You can fit your prescription glasses inside because their size is large enough for the most. They are 7 inches wide and 2.5 inches from the top to the bottom of the lens. So, they can fit over easily. But you can use these even if you do not wear glasses. Both the Uvex Skyper and the Uvex 360 are great and cheap. So, you can have both and use one as a backup.
These glasses will give you a better fit so that you can enjoy wearing them for long. In addition, there is an option to adjust the length of the temples. You can adjust the length up to three levels.
You will see clear for a longer period and do that even while enjoying your hot coffee. It is because these glasses are not a fingerprint magnet, and they do not fog either. Their anti-fog coating prevents your glasses from steaming up and catching any mist.
Plus, if you put these glasses on the table, lens side down, they will not get scratches easily, as there is an anti-scratch coating on the lens. But keep one thing in mind before buying. What I have understood is that you can choose any one of the coatings, but not both. You can either have the glasses with an anti-fog coating or the one with an anti-scratch coating. Amazon ONLY sells the one with anti-fog coating. You can click the image to know more details.
These come with a plastic bag and a box.
You can enjoy the broader field of view as these glasses do not have a plastic bag in front to block the view. These are made from a single piece of molded plastic that flows from one side to another. It immerses you in your environment, and it feels like you are in an orange bottle because everything changes its color to an orange tint. But there is a downside of not having a black frame. You can not replace its lens separately like Uvex Skyper. Whenever the lens is damaged, you will have to replace the whole glasses. It is expensive as compared to just replacing the lens. But still, it is way inexpensive than other blue-blocking glasses.
The only downside of their bigger size is that they are not the lightest glasses you can buy. Instead, they add bulk to your face. Plus, if you wear them for several hours straight, you will feel stress on your nose. You can fix this problem by adding cushioning on the nose bridge to prevent it from slipping down the nose.
Does it make it difficult to read books, the Kindle, or the iPad?
No, although they are big glasses, they are still comfortable to wear for a longer period. You can easily read through the books on an iPad or a Kindle. The only thing these glasses change is the color of the text which does not matter because you are getting good quality sleep.
Swanwick Fit-over Review
If you want to read before bed, sleep better and do all that in style, these fit over Swanwick are good for you. You wear these blue blockers over reading glasses.
They look good and blocks most of the blue light. You can even wear these in the office or while traveling. They are for those who wear prescription or reading glasses. But, like Uvex 360s, a lot of people also wear them without glasses.
These, like other blue blockers, keep text clear and vivid. As a result, you can read before bed easily and have a good night’s sleep.
These are high-end glasses with a premium price, but unlike Swanwick Swannies, these are not available in multiple sizes. One size fits most. But it is large enough to fit any glasses inside, whether you use prescription glasses or reading glasses.
These glasses have acetate frames that can form the shape of your head as you wear them for a long period. But if you want them to be comfortable the first time you wear them, you can take them to an optician or an eye-wear professional. He will heat and adjust the temples so that they will fit you well.
If you use them with headphones, they will work perfectly without stressing your head.
They have an anti-glare coating on the front and back of the lens. It reduces eye strain and fatigue.
These are quality glasses that FDA approves.
They are expensive, but they work well and look good. Plus, you get great customer service. Use them with or without your prescription or reading glasses, block blue light and Enjoy better sleep.
Anti-Blue Light Amber Glasses
Wear prescription glasses or use reading glasses?
Looking for blue light blocking glasses that blocks more than 90% of the blue light?
Tight on the budget and want something inexpensive?
Want to try out the blue light blocking glasses for the first time.
They block 90% of the Blue Light Between 450 and 520 nm. Thanks to its Amber color lens. As discussed earlier, glasses with light yellow color lenses block 50 to 70% of the blue light, but Orange or Amber tinted glasses block more blue light.
It has a modern rimless design that can fit over any glasses. The frame holds the glasses from the top side only, so there is no frame on the bottom of the lens or the sides. This gives you an uninterrupted, wider field of view. Its frame is pretty lightweight and does not cause any strain if you wear it for longer. In addition, there is a ledge that rests on the glasses to hold itself securely.
They are FDA-approved. The quality of the glasses is what you should expect at this price. They are not super awesome, but they get the job done. They are designed in Canada and come with a storage box. These fit-over glasses will help you enjoy reading at night without disturbing your sleep. You can also use them to play video games or as computer glasses in the office. They work well in any setting of your choice.
Best Clip-on Blue light Blocking Amber Lenses
If you use prescription glasses, then you have two options to choose from. One is the fit-over glasses that I have mentioned earlier, but there is another option that you can use. It is a clip-on Blue Light blocking lens. As the name suggests, you can clip it onto any prescription glasses you have. Clip-on blue blockers are especially helpful if the Rx glasses you are wearing are already so bulky that they do not fit inside any fit-over glasses. They work for all sizes and can be clamped onto any glasses you have. There will be no size issue anymore. They will not fit on your prescription glasses if their nose is wider than a quarter of an inch cause of its spring clip which opens 3/16 to ¼ inch. It will fit very well on most glasses as they are thinner than a quarter of an inch. Can you flip the clip-on blue-blocking lens? No, these do not flip up because they have a mechanism that is limited to just clipping. If the company makes them flip, the mechanism will be heavier. However, their minimal and simple mechanism makes them light and comfortable to wear for a long time. And, by the way, if you are wearing them to block blue light, you should not peek anyway. If you have one clip-on glasses, all the family members who wear glasses can try blue blockers. And get one for them later. They are minimal and occupy less space which is ideal for traveling. You can keep it with you anytime, anywhere, and clip it when you’re using the computer or reading at night. They are Biorhythm safe. That means, If you wear these glasses, you will find a great quality improvement in sleep, and it will block almost all the blue light. They look beautiful and minimal. The lenses are clear and bright. They make it easy to read in bed by keeping text clear yet blocking all the harmful blue light. They block 100% of the blue light from 280 to 490 nm and block more than 99% of the light in the critical 450 to 510 nm range. This wavelength is most destructive to sleep. They come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. In addition, if they break with normal use, the company offers a full refund within the first year. These are the orange-tinted lens that helps to relax your eyes. But there is a disadvantage that everything you will see changes its color to an orange tint. This does not matter when your primary purpose is reading text. But if you are a digital designer who works on graphics and media files on the computer, or a gamer who likes to retain colors, then it is not good for you.
The amount of light these glasses block and how the detail is given shows the company’s professional attitude. It shows that they have done the research and tested the product well to give a concrete reply whenever asked. The design of these classes is very minimal. However, the quality of the material is also good, and they are built to last for a long time if used properly.
Blue Light Blocking Glasses FAQs
In this section of the guide, I will cover all the common concerns related to blue-light-blocking glasses.
What is Blue light?
The light we see in the daytime is comprised of different color lights. We can see that in the rainbow when the light coming from the sun splits into different colors. One of the colors is Blue which has the highest amount of energy because of its short wavelengths. So the blue light in daylight is not bad as it helps keep us awake.
But what is bad is when you subject yourself to the blue light in the evenings. You do this by constantly staring at LED screens that emit light that has blue light in them. This is what is harmful to sleep.
Blue light effect on the brain and sleep
When you expose yourself to the blue light in the evenings or just before going to bed, it negatively affects sleep.
It is because nature wants us to be awake in the daytime and asleep at night, so it has a mechanism that syncs our sleep cycles with the time of the day. Or, we can say, it syncs our internal clock with the external clock.
This mechanism is triggered by the amount of blue light that our eyes see. It is a four-step process.
First, our eyes detect blue light and send a signal to the brain that there is blue light in the surroundings.
Then, our brain interprets the signal and believes it is daytime, the Sun is still up and there is blue light out there. So, it decides to keep the person awake.
Then, our brain sends a signal to the Pineal gland and tells him to suppress the production of Melatonin which is a sleep-inducing hormone.
As a result of Low Melatonin level in our body, we remain alert and active.
Darkness in the surroundings indicates nighttime, and warm light indicates evenings. So, when there is dim or warm light in the surroundings, our melatonin production increases; we start to feel sleepy and go to bed.
Now you understand that blue light in the surroundings negatively affects our sleep. It means, if there is blue light in the surroundings when you are trying to sleep, you will not be able to do so quickly.
This can happen when you watch TV, use your phone, an iPad, or read in bed without a warm light. It is because all these things emit blue light.
The effect is so intense that just one hour of blue light exposure delays your sleep for up to 6 hours, and one hour of exposure to green light delays it for three hours.
Do you still want to expose your eyes to blue light before bed?
Why to get Blue light blocking Glasses?
In today’s world, we use computers, tablets, LED and enjoy the nightlife in metro cities. We are exposing ourselves to a lot of artificial light with a lot of blue light.
When our eyes absorb blue light, our brain detects it as daytime and does not produce Melatonin. So, even at night, we do not feel sleepy.
This is bad because sleep deprivation causes an overall decrease in quality of life. You do not feel fresh and energetic when you wake up, which means that you do not have the energy to accomplish the day-to-day tasks efficiently. And in extreme cases, it can also develop into Insomnia. Which I am sure you do not want.
Then, what is the solution?
Now, to overcome this issue, what we need to do is, In the evenings, block all the blue light that we possibly can. So, that brain thinks it is evening and sleep time is coming, so I should produce more Melatonin.
Now, the question is, how can you block all the blue light in the evenings without sacrificing the activities you normally do? For example, how can you not use the phone? How can you skip going out in the evening?
No, You cannot skip those activities. And the good news is that you do not have to leave those.
The answer is Blue light-blocking glasses!
How does Blue light blocking glasses work?
Although the problem of blue light seems complex[1. “Effects of blue light technology – Wikipedia.” Accessed 16 Apr. 2018.], the solution is simple and works like magic. It is Blue light blocking glasses.
You can simply wear these glasses in the evenings, and it will block most of the blue light. Plus, these glasses also block all the short wavelengths of light, including green light, which are also destructive to sleep, but to a lesser extent.
Using these glasses in the evenings makes you feel sleepy at night and get more deep sleep. This will make you feel happy and energetic during daytimes, and you will be able to perform well at your workplace or home. In short, this simple gadget can potentially improve your life to a whole new level.
Blue Light Blocking Glasses Benefits
Blue light-blocking glasses are beneficial for improving sleep and preventing eye strain which also causes headaches. Other benefits include dry eye relief, a decrease in macular degeneration, help in light sensitivity. It also helps reduce anxiety, blood pressure, blood sugar, and hunger. Researchers also found blue light blocking glasses helpful in preventing or correcting jet lag.
These conditions are caused by excessive exposure to blue light during evenings or before sleeping. But if you wear blue light protection glasses, then you restrict the intake of blue light. This results in better eye health and good quality sleep.
I have already discussed above that how blue light affects sleep and the brain. Read that section to get a better understanding. Now let us discuss each benefit one by one in detail.
Reduces Sleep Insomnia
If your sleep is disturbed due to an upcoming exam, or someone temporarily has a fever in your home. It is called Acute Insomnia. But if you cannot fall asleep for three nights a week and this lasts for up to three months, you have chronic Insomnia. In this condition, you will feel dissatisfied with your sleep. You will feel lazy. Hence it will affect your overall quality of life. This usually happens because of poor sleep habits or changes in your work timing or when you move to a new location. There are many reasons for this condition, but whatever the reason might be, you can reduce Insomnia by using blue-light-blocking glasses.
Blue light reacts with the special receptors in your eyes that triggers pain. Reference link Blue light-blocking glasses can help, but not everyone [1.] F-41 tinted glasses are found to be most helpful [1.]
Relieves Headache
Blue light protection glasses are proved to help decrease headaches—the team at Bustle[1.] tried these glasses and seen some great results. Those who get headaches after viewing computer screens for the whole day felt some relief. But they also said that it is important that you wear them throughout the day. They also found that you feel dizzier while wearing them. So whether you wear them in the office or use them for reading before bed, this also proves the sleep-inducing capabilities of blue-light-blocking glasses. One thing that can improve the results is if they had tried yellow-tinted glasses instead of clear ones. It is because yellow-tinted or amber glasses block more blue light than those of clear tint.
Prevents Blue light eye damage
Blue light is supposed to do permanent eye damage, commonly known as macular degeneration, which is the next point I will talk about.
Prevents Macular degeneration
Macular degeneration is an age-related eye disease in which the sufferer’s eyes are damaged. This happens in old ages, for example, after 50 years. And blue light is one of the main reasons for this. Excessive blue light exposure damages cells in the retina of the eyes[1. “Blue light and macular degeneration — Blue Light Exposed.” Accessed 17 May. 2018.]. In some extreme cases, the patient loses his vision completely.
Relieves Dry Eyes
Using computers, watching TV, or focusing your eyes on a mobile or tablet screen for longer periods can cause dry eyes, which cause irritation and discomfort. It results in headaches and eye damage. Blue light-blocking glasses help reduce this dryness.
Relieves Eyes strain
Short wavelengths scatter more easily, or they are more difficult to focus. And blue light has short wavelengths compared to the other colors in the visible light spectrum, so it is not easily focused. This creates a visual noise that reduces contrast, and your eyes have to make more effort to see the text. Blue light blocking glasses helps you by filtering this blue light. This keeps your eyes relaxed. Hence, these glasses help in providing eye strain relief. Digital eye strain also causes difficulty in focusing, also called blurred vision, which is my next point.
Blurred vision
Blurred vision, or you can call it difficulty in focusing. This is the symptom of digital eye strain caused by the blue wavelengths from computer mobile or TV screens. This condition can be temporary or can have a lasting permanent effect on your eyes. Blue light blockers help to protect your eyes from blurred vision.
Everyone is sensitive to blue light to some extent. But those who have this light sensitivity have more blue light receptors in their eyes. This makes blue light more damaging to them.
But the good news is that you can easily protect yourself by using blue-blocking glasses in the evenings and before sleeping.
Increases intentional use of Tablets or phones
I found[1. “Blue Light Blocking Glasses Make Nighttime Tablet and Computer ….” Accessed 17 May. 2018.] this benefit of blue light blocking glasses is very interesting. Imagine wearing blue-light-blocking glasses every time you plan to use your mobile phone or tablet before sleeping. Now, it will be more conscious more difficult to do. It is because, as soon as you hear a beep, rather than just picking up the phone from your side table and start swiping, now you will pick the glasses and then use the phone. So the simple process just got a little more complex, which requires multiple steps. That is how blue-light-blocking glasses prevent the unintentional use of tablets or phones. So they are beneficial in two folds: first, they make it complex to use your phone in bed, and secondly, if you must use it, they prevent you from sleep-killer blue light.
Reduces Anxiety
Blue blockers increase melatonin production in your body, which is responsible for relaxing sleep cycles. If your body does not produce Melatonin, you will feel alert, and if this condition lasts longer, you will become hyperactive. This will result in a lack of sleep and increased anxiety. So, if you want to be at peace, then wear blue-light-blocking glasses before using any screen during nighttime.[1. “Relationships between Salivary Melatonin Levels, Quality … – NCBI – NIH.” 10 Oct. 2013, Accessed 18 May. 2018.]
Reduces Jet Lag.
When you travel from one time zone to another, your cardiac rhythm, responsible for your sleep cycles, does not change instantly. It needs time to adjust. But if you are on a work trip, this difference in your sleep and work can be a huge productivity loss. So, to help yourself, you can wear blue light blocking glasses before traveling to pre-adjust[1. “You Asked: How Can I Prevent Jet Lag? | time.” 10 Feb. 2016, Accessed 17 May. 2018.] your cardiac rhythm to the new location. You know, our cardiac rhythms calibrate themselves using the blue light coming from the sun. But we can also artificially calibrate it using blue-blocking glasses. Wearing them will trick our brain into thinking it is nighttime. It will produce more Melatonin, and hence you will feel sleepy when you want to. That is how you can prevent your body from being jet-lagged.[1. “You’re Wearing the Wrong Blue Light Glasses!! | Home | BLUblox.” 27 Jan. 2018, Accessed 17 May. 2018.]
According to a nationwide survey of nearly 10,000 adults by The Vision Council, nearly 9 out of 10 Americans use digital devices more than two hours per day. In addition, over half regularly use two digital devices simultaneously.
About a third of those surveyed reported having symptoms of digital eye strain, including neck and shoulder pain (30%), headache (23%), blurred vision (22%), and dry eyes (22%).[1. “The Hidden Risk of Eye Strain From ‘Blue Light’ — Pain News Network.” 5 Jan. 2017, Accessed 17 May. 2018.]
To prevent this condition, you should use blue-light-blocking glasses and take a break after a maximum of 20 minutes. This will relieve your eyes, neck, and shoulder muscles and increase blood circulation. This will prevent neck and shoulder pain and will also contribute to better overall health.
You do not need to take long breaks; rather, just a minute or two will be enough. But the key here is constantly taking a break after every 20 minutes.
Optimal Metabolism
According to new research, blue light affects melatonin production, which is linked to sleep and the metabolism of your body. So, this means that if you expose yourself to artificial blue light, you will face many problems and diseases in the long run.
But if you protect yourself from excessive blue light by using blue-light-blocking glasses, your metabolism will run at an optimal rate. This will give you the following benefits.
Controlled blood sugar levels
Prevention from diabetes
Hunger control
Prevention from heart diseases
Prevention from obesity
Controlled Blood sugar or Diabetes
A better metabolism guarantees better blood sugar levels[1. “A New Study Delves Into How Blue Light Affects Your Metabolism.” 1 Jun. 2016, Accessed 17 May. 2018.][1. “6 Health Issues Directly Related To Blue Light | LightCues.” 15 Jan. 2014, Accessed 17 May. 2018.]. And metabolism is controlled by the same hormone which controls your sleep cycles. It is called Melatonin. If you control your melatonin production using blue wavelength blocking glasses, you will have a better insulin response which will better control your blood sugar levels.
Hunger Control
Research finds that Blue light exposure makes you more hungry than being in the dim light environment[1. “Blue Light Exposure May Make You Hungrier, Study Suggests | HuffPost.” 4 Jun. 2014, Accessed 17 May. 2018.]. This also makes sense. When we are awake in the daytime, we need food to feel energetic to go through the day, but we do not need that much energy at night. So, nature has linked hunger levels to the amount of light in the surroundings.
You can change your hunger levels by exposing yourself to the right amount of blue light.
You can better understand the link between increased obesity and the artificial light we absorb before sleeping from cell phone screens and tablets.
So, if you want to live a healthy life where you are not ashamed of your waistline, prefer not to use any screens before sleeping and if you must have to, use blue light filter glasses to prevent yourself.[1. “Study links evening blue light exposure to increased hunger ….” 23 Aug. 2017, Accessed 17 May. 2018. ]
Researchers[1. “Prostate Cancer Increased Risk Linked to Blue Light From ….” 27 Apr. 2018, Accessed 17 May. 2018.] think there is a link between prostate cancer in men and exposure to blue light. They do not know how it is linked exactly, but there seemed to be a connection[1. “Blue light like that from smartphones linked to some cancers, study ….” 27 Apr. 2018, Accessed 17 May. 2018.]. Although, I believe that it is not true. If the study shows some signs that blue light might be linked to cancer, they are not sure how there might be other reasons that might have affected the study sample.
But still, there is no harm and only benefits of using blue-light-blocking glasses in the evenings. So, just go for it.
Preventing heart diseases
Heart diseases happen due to a combination of things happening to your body. And Melatonin is very effective in controlling a lot of them. Melatonin hormone is not only helpful in getting good quality sleep but for better heart health as well. According to the Lightning science group[1. “Heart Disease and Light: What You Need To Know – Lighting Science ….” 31 Jan. 2017, Accessed 19 May. 2018.], these are the benefits of Melatonin for heart health.
Acts as an anti-inflammatory
Reduces tissue damage caused by strokes and heart attacks in animal research
Lowers blood pressure
Tunes down the sympathetic nervous system, which makes it easier to fall asleep
Has antioxidant properties
Reduces hardening of the arteries
Effects both heart constriction and relaxation, and
Reduces total cholesterol levels
Now you can see how proper melatonin production is beneficial for good quality sleep and for a range of other benefits that contribute towards a better life.
Prevents Obesity
As I have already discussed that when melatonin production decreases, your metabolism rate also slows down. This triggers slow insulin response, which results in increased blood sugar levels. This is not good even in the short term, but the worst part is continuing for a longer period. In that case, your body starts accumulating fat, making you obese and putting you at risk of many diseases, some of which are temporary and some are lethal.[1. “How Blue Light Is Ruining Sleep & Making Us Fat – Alex Fergus.” Accessed 17 May. 2018.] [1. “Bright light alters metabolism — ScienceDaily.” 18 May. 2016, Accessed 17 May. 2018.]
Now, the question is, should you take the risk of these diseases if you can simply avoid them by avoiding blue light in the evenings? The answer is No! You should avoid using any screens in the evenings, but if you must use them, then use blue blocker glasses.
Finding the best
Now when you understand the importance of blue-light-blocking glasses and know how they work, you might want to get one so that you can see the difference yourself. But once you decide to get a pair of blue-blocking glasses, you find that there are many options available in the market.
Now, the question is, which are the best blue-light-blocking glasses that you should get?
There are a lot of options available in the market at different prices. There are also different names for these glasses. And that makes it confusing to finalize.
If you look at the price of different glasses, you will think, should I buy the cheapest one under $10? Will it even work? Or should I go for the more expensive option, which is under $50? Or even that will not work, and I should go for an even more expensive option under $100? Are they the same? Does price have an impact on quality and performance?
And other than the price, there are quite similar products but with very different names. Like, they are marketed as video-gaming-glasses, computer-glasses, orange-tinted-glasses, Amber sunglasses, and some are just plain yellow sunglasses. So are all of them are same? Or do they differ in functionality?
Let us discuss them one by one.
I have shortlisted three glasses. And then also looked for what others are recommending.
What did I shortlist?
Inexpensive glasses to start off by UVEX, available in Fit-over style. One size fits all.
Mid range and stylish, Amber glasses for sleep by Spectra479, and they have clip-on lenses available for prescription glasses.
Pricey, but stylish Swannies that are available in simple and fit-over style.
What do others recommend?
I searched for the best blue-light-blocking glasses and found these websites.
Here is a quick look at what they were suggesting. I will review and compare the suggestions later to find the best.
Biohackerslab is focused on the biohackers community, which is driven to figure out how to live your life up to maximum potential? It’s a nice website. They have recommended and compared the pros and cons of these three blue-light-blocking glasses.
She uses Uvex glasses and is quite satisfied with the results it had on her sleep. I also have read the comments. One user is also recommending fit-over glasses from Northland Outpost.
Uvex, Swannies and Spektrum Elite. They like Swannies as they are more stylish. However, Uvex is just good for the task, that is, to block blue light. Spektrum Glasses lies in between. They are fairly priced and look acceptable, but they also block 99% of the blue light. has compared and recommended three top-rated blue-blocking glasses.
Kate from says that people using blue-light-blocking glasses find it very effective in improving sleep quality in this digital age where we are constantly bombarded with artificial blue light before sleeping. The sources of this light are L E D, computers, and tablets.
She further mentions that not only the color but the intensity of the light also affects sleep. For example, you can see the relation between a dim light and sleep in the graph shown below.
To avoid this huge exposure to blue light, you can wear blue-light-blocking glasses, use e-book readers instead of tablets as they use more eye-friendly lights. Or you can completely avoid using tablets and read paper books in the evenings and in bed.
Healthline emphasizes the same point that blue light disturbs melatonin production, which affects sleep quality.
They have shown a study comparing sleep quality among the people subjected to dim light vs. bright light vs. blue blocker sunglasses.
The graph below shows that wearing blue-light-blocking glasses 3 hours before sleeping can give you some boost in melatonin production as you might get from being in dim light.
So, whenever you are exposed to bright light in the evening, wear blue-light-blocking glasses to get better quality sleep.
Here is a graph.
Lifehacker compared Uvex vs. Gunnar glasses and concluded that the option is between looking silly and less silly. According to them, Gunnar glasses look less silly and block 65 percent of the light, and the Uvex glasses block almost all the blue light but look sillier. In conclusion, you will look silly anyway, so why not get the cheapest pair of glasses that at least do one thing at its best? That is, to block all the harmful blue light.
Considering what I have shortlisted and what other people are saying, now let’s discuss each one of them and see if they are good or not? And if they are good enough, then how well do they compare with others?
Do they Improve clarity while driving?
Are you looking for blue-light-blocking glasses for nighttime driving? Do you think that they will increase clarity?
No, Blue light blocking glasses do not improve the clarity of the object you see.
Some people believe that if they wear blue light-blocking glasses while driving, they could see better at night, completely false. It is based on common sense and the basic principle of how we see?
Suppose we could understand how we see[1. “How we see | National Eye Institute.” Accessed 16 Apr. 2018.] things, then we will never fall into the trap of marketing which says Blue blocker lenses increase clarity while driving. We see in three steps.
Lights falls on a object
Some of the light gets absorbed, and the rest is reflected to our eyes.
That reflection is processed by our brain which understands what we are seeing.
Things get clear when they are in the proper light. If you increase the amount of light, the object will get clearer and vise versa. It will be difficult for you to see that object in dimmer light.
Imagine you are wearing blue-light-blocking glasses and there is a blue object in front of your car. Now, it is blue because it absorbs other light and only reflects those wavelengths that appear blue. But your glasses block that wavelength of light. Now tell me, whether your visibility will increase, decrease, or would remain the same? It will decrease, either partially or completely. So, do not buy these glasses for driving.
See this video for 48 seconds to know why you should not get them?
When you wear these glasses, you think you can see better in the dark, but the reality is the opposite. These glasses decrease nighttime visibility. But, not just that, they also let you believe that you see the better. So you imagine how much dangerous it could be?
But if your only purpose is to protect yourself from glares, and you want some good anti-glare glasses, then you can consider yellow-tinted blue-light-blocking glasses. But they should be LIGHT yellow, and you should only CONSIDER them, as they are not the most recommended. See this video from 46 seconds onward to know more.
As you can see, the doctor recommends that you go for the anti-glare glasses with no color at all as the first choice. Do that when it is extremely necessary because if your eyesight is perfect, you will see much better without any glasses, anyway.
If you want to increase clarity while driving, then, first of all, make sure that your eyesight is perfect. Then, visit an eye specialist near you and examine your eyes.
The next step will be to check if the windscreen is clear from both sides. Most people usually clean them from outside, and there is some fine debris inside which gets ignored. So could you clean it up as well?
But if you decide to buy anti-glare glasses that also protect you from the blue light coming out of the headlights, you should consider the variant that is very slightly yellow. You do not want something that blocks a lot of blue light and decrease your visibility during nighttime.
Do you know what protects you from glares the most? It is the polarized sunglasses.
See this video. How do they block all the glares?
But they are good for fishing, not driving. Why? Because they reduce water reflections and you can see things clearly inside the water. They block all the stray light, and only the light from the front object can come in. But even these are not good for driving as they also reduce clarity. They work well as sunglasses in the daytime, but they do not work best in reducing glare from oncoming headlights.
The right intention to buy blue-light-blocking glasses is to get better sleep. With these glasses, you get less blue light in your eyes, which enhances Melatonin production, and you get more deep sleep.
Blue Light Blocking Glasses For Night Driving
Should You Use Blue Light Blocking Glasses For Night Driving?
There are two opinions about this:
One side says that they use it daily while driving, it helps to protect their eyes from any glare from other cars. There are a lot of blue light blocking glasses that are marketed as “drive better” glasses. They claim that these glasses increase the clarity of the vision at night. All of that is completely false. Why? You ask. See the next point and read the mentioned reference.
The other side says that these glasses only block blue light. Period. They cannot increase the clarity because it increases when you increase the brightness of the light on any object. They do not create any light, rather just block some part of it. So, how can they improve clarity? It is impossible. The reality is rather than improving clarity blue blockers decreases it by blocking a certain color of light. The problem gets worse when you think you are viewing better when in reality you are not. Forensic Aspects of Vision and Highway Safety,Sunglasses Association of America and many other glasses manufacturers including Uvex recommend not wearing blue light blocking glasses while driving at night. For details, you can read the dangers of night driving glasses.
But if you are still going to use them, use the ones with the lightest yellow tint. Do not ever use dark yellow or dark orange glasses like Uvex. You can get Duco or Gamma Ray 003.
Blue light blocking glasses test
We have reviewed different blue light blocking glasses. Some of them had the dark orange color lens, like Uvex and Swannies, while some used lighter tones of yellow in their lenses. These companies mention the amount of blue light their glasses block. For example, Uvex Skyper blocks 98% of the harmful blue light while Gamma Ray 003 blocks just 50% of the blue light.
What if we want to test it ourselves? Is there a way to check that? And if yes, then how to tell if your glasses have blue light protection?
If we could test the blue light blocking capabilities of the glasses, we would use them with confidence.
You might have the computer glasses, and you just want to know how to test their blocking ability? I mean, if they do, you do not need to buy another pair of glasses. Right?
So, how to check blue cut lenses or glasses at home?
First, let us start with the simplest test. Just look at any blue LED in your room. For example, the LED of your Wi-Fi router, as shown in the image.
Wireless routers Blue LEDs to test blue light filter lens
You can also look at other devices to see if anyone of them has a blue LED light. Just look at it and notice the difference. If there is no change after wearing the glasses, it means your glasses do not block any blue light. But, if you feel the light becomes invisible, which means your glasses block blue light.
How much blue light do they block? It will depend on how much blue color you will see after wearing your blue blockers. If you see more blue color passes through, it shows, your glasses block less blue light. So you should get a better one.
The second method to test if your glasses block blue lightis to use a blue light test strip. This handy tool is from Spectra 479, which also makes blue-light-blocking glasses. I have reviewed their glasses in the above section of this article.
Just look at the strip while making sure that your screen is at full brightness. If your glasses block blue light, you will find that this disruptive zone will look very similar. But if they do not block that color light, you will feel the difference as you can do it now.
The third way how can you test your blue light filter is to look at these two diagrams. If you could see the difference while looking it through the blue blocking filter, that means your blue light filter does not work up to the mark. So you should consider getting a better blue blocker. The cheapest one is the Uvex which blocks 99% of the blue light.
RGB blue Light blocking Tester
How do these tests work? How authentic are they?
Blue light blocking glasses blocks blue light that is in the 280 to the 510-nanometer range. Out of which, the most harmful range is from 490 to 510 nm. It is the shortest visible wavelength that is also the most energetic. Hence, It is most damaging to the eyes and sleep. This range has blue or violet colors.
Now, these three tests identify whether any light in that range passes through or not. If it does, then your glasses are not good.
If they only block 50 to 70% of the blue light, you will see the difference in the images. But if they block more than 95% of the blue light, you could hardly tell the difference.
These are not the most accurate test and by no means an alternative to a detailed professional test. But they will give you a good idea whether you need better blue light blocking glasses or not.
Video Gaming Glasses VS Blue blockers for Reading.
Video gaming glasses block blue light, but they do it to a lesser extent. They have yellow-tinted lenses that block 50 to 70% of the blue light so that you can still enjoy the colors while playing video games. Another benefit is that you can wear those glasses even in the daytime and enjoy better sleep. They blend in pretty well. I mean, You can wear them in the office, while visiting the market, or whenever you can not wear those orange-tinted glasses.
Blue light blocking reading glasses just aim for one goal, to restrict all the harmful blue light. They are not designed to blend well or such that you can still see all the colors. However, they do the primary job well and block almost all the blue light. That is why you will not be able to see the colors vividly. And when you are reading text, that’s not a problem. The main thing you are concerned about is having a good night’s sleep. And these classes do the perfect job of that.
The alternatives.
If you do not have blue light blocking glasses, and you do not want to buy even the under $10 glasses, Uvex, then there are three things you can do to test if blocking blue light in the evenings will increase your sleep quality?
If you use an iPad or Kindle for reading or use the computer before sleep, you can install a program called f.lux on your system. It will change your screen colors according to the time of the day. For example, 4000K in the evenings, below 3000K at night, and if you want a candlelight amber light, set it to 1800K.
Use warm color lights in your bedroom.
Avoid using any screen that is TV, computer, tablet, or mobile phone. And use the warm color light in your bedroom. Use that bulb that has a color temperature of less than 4000K.
Use warm color book lights while reading in bed.
If you use a Clip-on book reading light to read in bed, go for the warmer light. Use either an Amber book light or Ecologic Mart eye care warm book light. These lights produce very less blue light and hence do not interrupt your sleep cycles.
Use any of these alternatives or apply all of them. Then, when you feel the difference, you can go for the blue-light-blocking glasses with confidence.
The outdoors is a great place to read a book, but it can be difficult to read when you’re camping. So, what can you do to make reading a book a lot easier? If you’re planning a camping trip, here are a variety of useful accessories to help you enjoy your time reading wonderful books.
Portable Booklight:
A portable book light is an essential item for anyone who wants to read at night while camping. There are so many portable booklights available on the market, and some of them are even small enough to fit into a backpack or a daypack. You will find that these lights can also be used as a flashlight when you need one.
The best thing about these lights is that they have adjustable brightness, so you can adjust the intensity as needed. If you plan to go camping with your children, you should consider buying them a set of night lights. You can use these night lights in their rooms during the day and you can use them as a flashlight at night. Night lights also come in different shapes, including round, square, and rectangular shapes. The best way to find the right size and type of night light is to test them out first. Try using them for a few nights to see which one works best for you and your children. When looking for a portable book light, it is important to ensure that it has a wide beam and is not too heavy.
Insects can ruin your reading experience during camping if you let them, but thankfully, there are some accessories that can help keep them away. The following items will keep bugs away from you and your tent.
A bug net can be a great way to keep bugs away from you and your tent.
Bug spray can also help keep bugs away, but you need to be careful.
Another thing you can do is to put up a tent barrier. This is when you make a barrier around your tent. You can make this out of plastic or nylon, so it won’t get destroyed by the weather.
You can also put a tent zipper on your tent. This way, the bugs won’t be able to get inside.
You can also use a light to keep bugs away.
Another thing you can do is to put up an insect screen.
Reading glasses:
Reading glasses are useful because they help you focus on what you’re reading, and they can also help you get a better view of the page. They are small and easy to carry in a pocket or backpack. You can find reading glasses with different magnifications, and they can also come with a clip-on so that you can wear them on the side of your nose.
A headlamp is a useful item for anyone who plans to read at night during camping. It can help you get the right amount of light so that you can see what you’re reading. There are also different headlamps available on the market, including ones with red and yellow lights. You will find that these lamps are easy to use and they are not too bulky or heavy. If you’re planning to read in a tent or your vehicle, you can buy a small headlamp that attaches to your hat or glasses.
Kindle app:
The Kindle app is a great way to read your books while camping. You can download it onto your phone and use it anywhere. You can use it to read books while you’re driving, walking, or sitting down in a chair. You will find that the app will work best if you have a tablet or an iPhone. If you don’t have one, you can use the Kindle app on your laptop or desktop computer.
Bluetooth Speakers:
You can use your Kindle to read books while camping, but you will find that it is not very convenient. A better option is to use a Bluetooth speaker instead. You can find speakers that are compatible with your Kindle, and you can connect them to your phone so that you can play music while you’re reading. These speakers can also be used as a flashlight when you need one.
If you plan to read in your tent or vehicle, you should consider using headphones. They will help keep the noise away and they will help you enjoy your time reading without any distractions. These headphones have an earpiece that connects to your device using Bluetooth technology. You will find that these headphones are great for listening to books, audiobooks, or even music. They can also be used as a speakerphone so you can make phone calls from your campsite. You can use your mobile phone to connect to your Bluetooth headphones if you want to listen to music, but the connection may be difficult to maintain.
Kindle Fire:
Another great accessory for reading is the Kindle Fire. The Kindle Fire is a tablet that you can use to read ebooks on the go. You can read ebooks from Amazon’s vast library, and it will even allow you to download other ebooks onto your device. If you’re a bookworm, you will find that this gadget is perfect for you. It has a 7-inch touchscreen display and you can even get a case to protect your Kindle Fire.
Other alternatives are:
Kindle Paperwhite:
The Kindle Paperwhite is a lighter alternative to the Kindle Fire. It is designed specifically for people who prefer a lighter-weight, smaller device. It is also easier to hold than the Kindle Fire and you can use it anywhere you like. It also has a 9-inch screen which is brighter than the Kindle Fire’s 7-inch screen.
iPad 2:
The iPad 2 is another great gadget for those who love to read. It comes with an amazing 3.9-inch screen and the ability to download thousands of free apps. You can also get a case for this gadget, so you won’t have to worry about getting your iPad 2 scratched or cracked.
The Nook is another great device for reading. It works just like the Kindle, but you can also read books from Barnes & Noble’s huge library.
Solar Charger:
Solar chargers are another great accessory for camping trips. This is because they will allow you to charge your gadgets that you are using for reading without using any electricity from a power source. If you’re worried about running out of battery life, then a solar charger is a great way to ensure that you won’t run out of power while you’re camping.
Sleeping bags:
For comfortable reading during camping, you must have good self-inflating sleeping bags for ergonomic posture in which your neck and arms are properly supported by the surface.
Their pillow has a 2-inch-thick cushion that provides comfort when resting your head and provides neck support. The cushions are removable and washable for easy cleaning. With an easy-to-use zipper pull, they are also easy to remove for washing or if the pillow becomes too uncomfortable. The pillow comes with a carry strap that makes it easy to take it along on any camping trip.
Portable chair:
If you’re planning on spending a lot of time outdoors during camping, then a portable chair is essential. The chair comes with wheels so you can move it easily to wherever you want to sit. It also has adjustable armrests and backrests to ensure proper comfort. It can accommodate up to 300 pounds of weight and has a carrying bag so you can take it with you wherever you go.
Electricity-generating wood stove:
You won’t run out of electricity when you have an electricity-generating wood stove. Its patented technology produces smokeless flames that can cook your food while delivering a 3-watt charge to your phone and other devices. This charging helps in reading ebooks.
For easy reading during camping, bookholders are the best choice. There are different types of book holders such as small and large book holders, cloth, and leather book holders. Book holders can be used to hold books in any way, shape, or form. This will prevent your arms from aching while holding your books. Usually, bookholders have small compartments that can hold up to 3 or 4 books. Small bookholders are very convenient to use because they can fit into any place or space, even the smallest of spaces.
Reading books while camping is a fun way to relax after a stressful day. There are different accessories like iPads, bookholders, headlamps, reading glasses, and much more that you can use to make your reading experience more enjoyable and full of learning.
If you are looking for amber LED clip-on book light for reading before sleep, then Hooga is the best choice. It is great for kids, adults, teens, girls or boys, as well as elderly persons. The main benefit of Hooga eye-care book light is, it emits amber color light at 1600K with least amount of blue light that does not disturb your sleep (How, Why?).
Amber color light, 1500K
99.94% free of blue light
USB Rechargeable, 4 hr charge lasts upto 30 hrs
2.5oz Lightweight and portable
Flexible neck to direct the light
Sturdy clip that opens 1.5’’
2 Dimmable brightness levels
Cheaper than the competitor
The on/off button is not recessed, so it sometimes turns on accidentally
Only two brightness levels
Read in bed without disturbing your sleep
If you read with Hooga book light in bed, you will either fall asleep on time, or a bit earlier. It produces Amber color light with almost no blue light in it. This does not effect the Melatonin production, and hence does not delay sleep or has no effect on circadian rhythm.
Hooga book light helps you to read at night without eye-strain. First of all, the light is bright enough to make text easily visible. Then, the light is smooth and evenly diffused that produces a soft glow. This does not irritates the eyes, even if you read for long period. And lastly, it is dimmable, so you can decrease the brightness if you find it too much.
So Lightweight that it does not weigh paperbacks down
If you love to read paperback books before sleeping, then Hooga light will not pull your book down. It also means, you do not need any extra effort to hold the book. It just weighs 2.5 oz which will be negligible to hold. For more, check Best book lights. Furthermore, If you want to read completely hands-free so that there is stress on your shoulders or hands, then get any one of the Book holders for reading in bed.
Sturdy clip hold the book without damaging it
Like all the other best clip on LED book lights, Hooga light also has a clip that is sturdy and strong, yet does not damage the pages of the book, or scratches the screen in case of Kindle.
Great for kindle Paperwhite and 8th gen
Hooga reading light has a sturdy clip that clamps to e-readers as well. That is why, it is not only useful for paperbacks or hardcover books, but you can also use it for reading digital books in bed, on your kindle paperwhite or kindle 8th gen.
Flexible neck is sturdy too
It has a flexible gooseneck that is 360 degree flexible. You can direct the light in any direction or angle you want. At the same time, it is sturdy enough to hold its position. You do not have to re-adjust it constantly.
Great book light for kids
If you are looking for a book light for kids, then this one is a great option. It does not have a auto-off sleep timer, but other than that, it is a great option. Your kids will fall asleep earlier if they read with this light.
Large USB rechargeable battery that lasts for weeks
It has a large 1200mah rechargeable battery, that can be charged from any USB power source, for example your laptop, phone charger and powerbank. Once charged, it lasts for upto 30 hours, if used on the low brightness settings.
Easy to carry with you while travelling
It weighs 2.5 oz, and has small size. Plus, you fold its neck to make it pocketable. This is specially useful, if you travel a lot, do camping, want to read on a beach, in a car, a train or on a plane.
Great gift for book lovers who love to read in bed
Considering the features and benefits mentioned above, it is a great gift for bookworms who love to read before sleeping. Hooga amber light allows them to read comfortably in bed, even for long period. For more gifts for book lovers who love to read in bed check this post.
User reviews summary
Most of the users love Hooga amber book light for reading in bed. They love how friendly its light is to their eyes, and it helps them read without any eye-strain. Its amber color is sleep friendly, and flexible neck allows you to precisely control the direction of the light. It means, If you wake up in the middle of the night and read with this light, you will neither disturb your partner nor your sleep. For more detailed user reviews check this link.
Somnilight Amber book light is also amber led clip on rechargeable book light with almost no blue light. It has two heads that illuminate both pages of your book more evenly. But the battery is small and lasts 10 hrs less than the Hooga light on low brightness. It is also good for reading in bed without disturbing your sleep. Overall, Hooga clip light is better than Somnilight. For details, check mySomnilight book light review, or check user reviews on amazon
Hooga is a great addition to market of amber book lights that produce almost no blue light. if you want to read in bed without compromising your sleep quality, then Hooga is the best choice among all of them. For more choices check the alternatives section above.
Reading in bed is one of life’s simple pleasures, but finding the perfect Kindle case to make it even more enjoyable can be challenging.
With so many options on the market, it can be difficult to know which one will provide the best protection for your device while making it easy to read in bed.
This blog post will look at the top Kindle cases for reading in bed and help you choose the one that’s right for you.
Introducing the Miroddi Stand Case for your Kindle 10th Generation! Say goodbye to cramping hands and hello to hours of comfortable reading with its foldable stand and secure elastic hand strap. Store your essentials with ease thanks to its convenient built-in card slot. Don’t worry about scratches and drops, this case is made of durable PC hardback and soft premium PU leather, providing the ultimate protection for your device. And the best part? Miroddi has got your back with a lifetime warranty! So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the freedom of hands-free reading with the Miroddi Stand Case!
Overall, the MoKo case is a great choice for those who want a case that offers both protection and versatility. Its vertical flip design, magnetic closure, and anti-slip strip make it perfect for hands-free reading in bed, while the PU leather material offers great protection against scratches and shocks. Whether you’re a frequent reader or just looking for a stylish case for your device, the MoKo case is a great option to consider.
Kindle Case for 10th Gen 2018
Paperwhite Grip Case
Paperwhite grip case is an innovative solution specifically designed to make your reading experience more comfortable and effortless, no matter what position you’re in – whether it’s lounging in bed, relaxing on a chaise, or flying high in the skies. With its secure grip, orthopedic design, and two color options, you can say goodbye to hand strain and hello to hours of enjoyable reading. Some users have reported difficulties with installation and durability, so keep that in mind when choosing this case for your e-reader.
6.8″ Kindle Paperwhite and Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition E-Reader 11th Gen 2021
Upgrade your reading game with the RSAquar Kindle Paperwhite Case for 11th Generation 6.8″ and Signature Edition 2021 Released! This stylish PU leather case fits the new Kindle Paperwhite and Signature Edition 6.8″ (11th Generation only) and offers excellent protection against scratches, dirt, scuffs, water splashes, and shock damage. With a magnetic closure and hidden card pocket, you’ll enjoy automatic wake/sleep and convenient storage. The case also features a pop-out stand for hands-free reading, making it a thoughtful gift for any reader. Keep in mind that it’s not compatible with prior-generation Kindle devices, so be sure to double-check your device before ordering.
Finite Case
Overall, the Fintie Case is an excellent option for anyone looking to protect their device while also making it comfortable to hold. The hard PC back shell provides great protection against various types of damage, and the hand strap is perfect for one-handed reading. The precise fit of the case also makes it easy to access all features and controls, and the corner protection adds an extra layer of protection. With various colors to choose from, you can easily find the one that fits your style.
Unleash the ultimate reading experience with the MoKo case! This case will make your bedtime reading routine a breeze. The stand design and adjustable angle make it effortless to prop your device up and read hands-free, while the hand strap offers secure one-handed reading. The slim and lightweight PU leather design is stylish and durable, with a magnetic closure and automatic wake/sleep feature for easy use. And, with a built-in card slot, you can keep your essentials close at hand. Remember that this case is unsuitable for all reading angles and may not be the best option for those who prefer a looser hand strap. Overall, the MoKo case is an excellent choice for those who own the specified Kindle device and want a functional, protective, and stylish case for reading in bed or on the go!
WALNEW Stand Case
The foldable stand design, two hand straps, and automatic wake/sleep feature make it a convenient and practical option for those who are looking for a case that can improve their reading experience. With its premium materials, magnetic clasp, and side pen holder, the WALNEW Stand Case provides both protection and convenience for your Kindle Paperwhite.
Amazon Fire HD 8 and Fire HD 8 Plus Tablet (10th Generation, 2020 Release)
The case’s PU leather design not only adds a touch of style to your device but also protects against scratches, dings, and other types of damage. Whether you’re reading in bed, on the couch, or while on the go, the VORI Folio Case is an excellent option for anyone who loves reading and wants to keep their tablet protected and stylish. So, if you’re in the market for a new tablet case, consider the VORI Folio Case for your Fire HD 8 Plus Tablet!
All-New Kindle (11th Generation, 2022 Release) Model No. C2V2L3
Here’s a great summary of the Fintie Stand Case for All-New Kindle (11th Generation, 2022 Release) Model No. C2V2L3! The foldable stand design, hand strap, auto sleep/wake function, and magnetic closure make it a great option for reading in bed and on the go. The premium PU leather material and built-in card slot add to its functionality and style.
The Padlette Grip Any Tablet with a Display from 8 inches to 11 inches
The Padlette Grip for iPad Mini is a versatile and functional option for those who own a tablet or e-reader with screens 8 inches or smaller and are looking for a comfortable and secure way to hold their device while reading. The secure strap, grip, and handle, along with the numerous hand positions it offers, make it perfect for reading in bed or on the go. Additionally, the front “bumpers” and non-skid silicone provide added protection for your device, making it a durable and practical option.
Universal Kindle Case 6″-7” Tablets
The Joylink Tablet Hand Strap holder seems like a good option for those who like to read in bed with their tablet. The hands-free design, 360-degree swivel, and secure grip are definitely convenient features that make it an attractive option for tablet users. It’s important to note that the holder is only compatible with tablets between 6-7 inches, so it’s important to make sure your tablet falls within this size range before purchasing.
Available Device Size: 6.7 ~ 7.8 inch
The WiLLBee CLIPON Soft Dual strap is an excellent option for those who own a 6.7-7.8 inch mobile device and want a way to make reading in bed more comfortable. The silicone strap provides a secure grip on your device, preventing it from slipping out of your hand. The double-layer clip is designed to fit on any cell phone with or without a case, providing scratch protection for your device.
It’s important to note that this mounting type may not be suitable for all users, as some people may prefer a more secure attachment method. Additionally, it’s important to consider the maximum thickness of the device that can be used with the clip, as devices that are thicker than 0.4 inches may not be compatible. Despite these potential downsides, the WiLLBee CLIPON Soft Dual strap is a great option for those looking for a simple and convenient way to hold their mobile device while reading in bed.
Adjustable for All Tablets 7″ to 10″
Overall, the Aleratec Universal 2-in-1 Universal Desk Stand and Hand Strap Tablet Holder is a versatile and practical accessory for those who want to enjoy comfortable and hands-free reading in bed. With its adjustable hand strap, compatibility with various tablet sizes and two-in-one design, it’s a great investment for anyone looking to enhance their tablet experience. However, it’s important to note that some work may be required to get the tablet securely in the holder, and it may not be suitable for tablets with thick cases.
Universal Tablet Hand Strap Holder with adhesive patch for All 7-11″ Tablets
The LoveHandle Tablet Grip is like a trusty sidekick for your Kindle – always there to support you in your reading adventures! Say goodbye to tired hands and dropped devices, and hello to comfortable, one-handed reading sessions. With a soft and stretchy grip, you’ll have a firm hold on your tablet in any position – whether you’re lounging on the couch, snuggled up in bed, or out and about. Plus, with its slim design and removable 3M adhesive, you can take it with you anywhere and easily attach it to most tablets and smartphones. Just don’t be surprised if your friends ask to borrow it, too! So, grab a LoveHandle and get ready for some comfortable, carefree reading!
Get ready to cuddle up with your tablet in bed like never before! The Intie Universal Tablet Hand Strap Holder is the ultimate accessory for tablet lovers. With its ergonomic design and padded hand strap, you can comfortably read with just one hand and leave the other free for important things like holding a snack or a baby. Plus, the hand strap doubles as a stand for hands-free viewing and can be adjusted with a 360-degree swivel. Compatible with a wide range of tablet sizes, it’s easy to install and remove, making it perfect for all your tablet-reading needs. Just keep in mind that some customers have reported issues with the adhesive and it may cover the camera on some devices. Happy reading!
Kindle Generation 4-11, Kindle Paperwhite 5 (Gen 11 2021), Kindle Basic 2022 and Some Kobos
The Strapsicle Kindle Hand Strap is a handy accessory for those who love to read on their Kindle or e-reader. With a silicone hand strap, it provides a secure grip and prevents slipping, especially while reading in bed, on the go, or holding the device for extended periods. It’s lightweight and flexible, with two straps included, and protects your device with corner protection and screen protection. However, it only fits certain Kindle models and doesn’t fit over a case.
10.2-inch Kindle Scribe 2022
The WALNEW Flip Case is the perfect accessory for your 10.2-inch Kindle Scribe! With hand straps and a built-in pen holder, you’ll be reading in comfort and style. The multi-viewing stand allows for the perfect angle, while the PU leather and microfiber lining provide full protection. Don’t miss out on this must-have accessory! Just keep in mind that it’s only designed for the 10.2-inch Kindle Scribe and may add some bulk.
ISeeSee Fits All Paperwhite Generations Before 2018
The ISeeSee Kindle Paperwhite Case Cover is a practical solution for bedtime reading. With a built-in hand strap for easy one-handed reading, wake/sleep function for battery conservation, and durable microfiber leather material, this case cover makes reading in bed more comfortable. It also includes a touch pen and screen protector, adding extra value. However, this case is only compatible with Kindle Paperwhite generations prior to 2018, the hand strap may be bulky or uncomfortable for some users, and some may prefer a case without a hand strap.
In conclusion, choosing the perfect Kindle case for reading in bed can be a challenging task, but the right one can make a world of difference. Whether you prefer a case with a stand, a hand strap, or a card slot, options are available to suit your needs. Some of the best Kindle cases for reading in bed include the Miroddi, RSAquar, MoKo, VORI, Fintie, Padlette Grip, and Joylink. Each of these cases offers different designs, so consider your specific preferences when making your choice. Whether you’re looking for a case for comfortable, hands-free reading or extra protection for your device, you’re sure to find the perfect Kindle case for your reading-in-bed needs.
More Accessories for Kindle Readers
Another way to hold your Kindle in your bed is to use the Kindle holders that help read hands-free. Check this post on the innovative Kindle holders here.
Do you ever get tired while you’re reading? Have you ever nodded off with your book in your hand? Or have you almost fallen asleep while in the middle of a chapter that seemed to go on forever? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it’s probably time for you to take a break.
Even if you are reading in bed to unwind before falling asleep, taking breaks will help you relax and could be just the thing that you need to get to sleep.
To read comfortably, you have to take breaks from time to time. Taking breaks while reading is important because it helps with eye strain, back and neck pain, headaches, dry eyes, and more. It also prevents you from reading too much at once, which can cause a loss of concentration, drowsiness, and fatigue.
This article will help you understand why it’s important to take breaks when reading, as well as the benefits of taking a break. And finally, we’ll talk about how often you should take a break when reading for the best results.
Should you take a break while reading?
When we’re reading for long periods without taking a break, our eyes, neck, and back become fatigued. We sometimes lose our focus on the content because our body tells us to stop and rest. This is when we mindlessly flip open the next page or stumble through the chapter looking for something interesting that might make it worth continuing. These are all signs that you need a break from reading.
When we read for long periods, our eyes can become fatigued, causing them to strain and crossing them to focus on the text. In addition to this, our necks can become strained from looking at pages up close and focusing in one spot for too long.
As you can see, by not taking a break when you start to feel tired, or your neck starts to hurt, you are only causing yourself more pain and forcing yourself to read further than you should. Instead, you’ll get more enjoyment out of what you’re reading if you allow your body to adjust and relax.
When we take a break, it refreshes our minds. We can then re-engage with the content with fresh eyes and a mind. Not only do breaks allow us to read better, but they also allow us to remember the information that we have just read. It is commonly said that we only remember about 10% of what we read. This is why it is important to take breaks from reading and allow our minds to rest before re-engaging with the content.
Benefits: Why should you take a break?
It is important to take breaks so that our bodies can relax and not become fatigued. For example, our eyes need a break so that they can rest, and our necks need to be relieved from the strain of holding up our heads for long periods.
The benefits of taking breaks while reading can be seen in the following ways:
Your eyes will become more relaxed
Taking periodic breaks facilitates better reading ability and reduces eyestrain. In addition, taking breaks will prevent eye fatigue. Eye fatigue occurs when vision is strained because of over-stretching, constantly looking down at a book, or reading for more than two hours at once. It can lead to a loss of focus or concentration, headaches, or tired eyes.
Your mind will be refreshed
Remembering what you’ve read and understanding the presented content will also be easier since your brain has enough time to rest. The benefits of taking breaks allow your mind to rest and enjoy the reading experience at its best.
Instead of pushing yourself to continue reading when you’re tired or your neck is hurting, it’s better that you take a break. Taking a break to rest your eyes, your neck, and your mind is one of the easiest ways to enjoy reading for long periods.
Increases concentration and focus.
This can be a vital benefit of taking breaks from time to time when you’re reading. If you’re reading a book or article that you’ve had trouble paying attention to before, then it helps to take a break. Taking breaks will help your concentration and focus on the text so that you can truly understand the meaning behind what you’re reading. Learning to increase your focus on your reading is one of the most important parts of building good comprehension skills.
Your body will begin to refresh.
Your body can rest and relax while the mind goes back to reading. You will feel more energized. Taking breaks gives your body a chance to stay in charge and maintain an optimum position for absorbing information from the book or article you are trying to read.
How often should you take breaks while studying?
When we should take breaks while reading a complicated subject, there are so many factors to consider before deciding on the right time to step away from the page and take a breather. Whether you are reading a book, iPad, Kindle, or laptop, reading duration, and overall health are essential to consider when deciding how often you should take a break from reading.
For example, If you’re reading for a short time, say 20 minutes or less, you can read continuously without taking any breaks. But, on the other hand, if you’re reading for an extended period, say more than one hour, it’s a good idea to take a break after every 20 minutes or so.
There is no set rule for taking a break from reading. It is on an individual basis. However, some people read for over 30+ hours per week. It is, therefore important to spread out the time spent reading through the day so that our bodies have an opportunity to rest and recover between each reading session.
In addition to this, your overall health is something else that you should consider when deciding when to take a break. For example, if you suffer from an illness like glaucoma or diabetes, you may want to be careful not to read continuously for too long. On the other hand, if you have a chronic disease, like asthma or diabetes, it’s good to take breaks from reading because you may suffer from eye strain or other minor discomforts.
For the best reading experience, it’s important to take breaks from time to time and give your body a chance to re-adjust and recover.
What to do when taking a break?
You can do several things while taking a break from reading. Aside from simply stretching your neck and back and getting up and walking or moving around, you can also do different activities to ensure that you are fully refreshed.
First, you can take a quick walk around the house, around your neighborhood, or anywhere in between. This will allow you to stretch your legs and give you a chance to get up and move around for a few minutes.
Another thing that you can do is drink a glass of water before continuing where you left off. This will help hydrate your body and make sure that it doesn’t get dehydrated from sitting at a desk reading for hours at a time.
If you are reading in bed or on the couch, you can close your eyes and put a pillow under your chin to give your body a chance to rest and relax. It is also helpful to get up for some time every so often, even if it’s just for a few minutes each time you can go outside or take a short walk around the house. All of these things will help your body recover and adjust from reading for extended periods at one time.
Take advantage of the view in a plane or car to take your mind off reading for a few minutes. You can do this by looking around at the buildings, nature, or other people on the flight or in your car.
If you are reading at home and want to take a break from reading for a while, you can go out on your back patio or balcony and read under the stars. You can even bring a few pillows from the couch and lay down to relax outside under the stars.
If you are reading on a computer at work, find another place for the break duration. Also, move around every hour to release the pressure on your eyes and keep them comfortable. During the break, enhance your vision and change the focal point you use when looking at things around you. For example, look into the distance for about five seconds and then look at objects close to you (like a computer or book).
In summary, take breaks from reading because it refreshes our minds and allows us to remember more of what we’re reading. Therefore, ensure you do not read continuously for long periods because this may cause physical harm by straining your neck and eye muscles. Lastly, determine the right time to take a break depending on the length of time you are reading and your overall health.
What’s Next: What can you do besides take breaks for a comfortable reading experience?
Reading with comfort requires that you read in a relaxed and ergonomic posture, have enough light, and take periodic breaks so that your body gets a chance to move and your mind gets a break.
Now that you have read this guide on how to take breaks from reading, hopefully, you can read more comfortably.
However, you can still improve the way you read by adjusting your posture and illumination during reading.
Here is a post on
How to read in an ergonomic position
How to get sufficient lighting for reading.
Disclaimer: This article is only a general guide on how to take breaks from reading. It is not intended as medical or health advice, nor is it meant as a replacement for proper medical treatment. If you have any questions about your health, please consult your doctor.
Reading on an iPad can be a great way to enjoy your favorite books, articles, and news stories on the go. However, prolonged use of an iPad can cause eye strain and discomfort, especially if you’re not using the right tools and accessories. Whether you’re an avid reader or just getting started, this blog post will provide you with some tips and recommendations to make reading on your iPad more comfortable and enjoyable. From reducing eye strain to improving ergonomics, read on for expert advice on how to make the most of your iPad reading experience.
I. Adjust your iPad settings for optimal reading comfort
When it comes to reading on your iPad, adjusting the settings can go a long way in improving your comfort. Here are some settings you can tweak to make reading easier on your eyes:
A. Turn on the Night Shift
Night Shift is a feature that reduces the amount of blue light emitted by your iPad, which can be harsh on your eyes, especially at night. To turn on Night Shift, go to Settings > Display & Brightness > Night Shift. From here, you can schedule Night Shift to turn on automatically or turn it on manually whenever you need it.
B. Adjust display and text size
Adjusting the display and text size can make a big difference in your reading comfort. To change the display and text size, go to Settings > Display & Brightness > Text Size. From here, you can drag the slider to adjust the size of the text on your iPad. You can also adjust the display zoom by going to Settings > Display & Brightness > Display Zoom.
C. Enable True Tone display
True Tone display is another feature that can help reduce eye strain. It adjusts the color and intensity of the display to match the ambient light in your environment. To turn on True Tone display, go to Settings > Display & Brightness > True Tone.
D. Use Accessibility features
Apple’s iPad also offers several accessibility features that can improve reading comfort. For example, you can enable the Speak Screen feature to have your iPad read the content on the screen out loud. You can also adjust the contrast, reduce motion, and enable bold text to make reading easier. To access these features, go to Settings > Accessibility.
II. Soothe Your Eyes: Reduce Eye
Strain with the Right Lighting Reading on your iPad for extended periods can put a lot of strain on your eyes, leading to discomfort and fatigue. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the strain and enjoy reading without the discomfort. Here are some tips on how to do it:
A. Use ambient lighting
When reading on your iPad, it’s essential to have the right lighting. Using ambient lighting that’s evenly distributed in the room is an excellent way to reduce eye strain. You can use lamps with diffusers or shades to spread the light more evenly across the room.
Harsh, direct lighting, such as overhead fluorescent lights, can cause glare and make it harder to read. This kind of lighting can also cause eye strain, leading to headaches and discomfort. If you’re in a brightly lit room, consider drawing the curtains or using shades to filter out some of the light.
C. Use a reading light for low-light situations
If you’re reading in a low-light situation, using a reading light can help reduce eye strain. A reading light provides just the right amount of light, without being too bright or too dim. You can get clip-on reading lights that attach to your iPad case or stand, or standalone reading lights that you can position as needed.
III. Get Comfortable: Improve Ergonomics for Comfortable Reading Posture
Reading on your iPad can be a comfortable and enjoyable experience, but only if you have good ergonomics. Poor posture can lead to discomfort and even pain. Here are some tips to improve your posture and make reading on your iPad more comfortable:
A. Use a stand or case with adjustable angles
Using a stand or case with adjustable angles can help you find the most comfortable position for reading on your iPad. Look for a stand or case that allows you to adjust the angle of the screen and the height of the iPad. This will help you avoid straining your neck and shoulders.
B. Position your iPad at a comfortable height and distance
Position your iPad at a comfortable height and distance to reduce strain on your eyes and neck. A good rule of thumb is to keep the iPad at arm’s length and at eye level. You may need to adjust the angle of the screen and the height of your stand or case to achieve this.
C. Take breaks and stretch regularly
It’s essential to take breaks and stretch regularly to avoid fatigue and strain. Take a break every 20-30 minutes to stretch your arms, shoulders, and neck. You can also do some simple exercises, like rolling your shoulders or rotating your neck, to relieve tension. Set a timer on your iPad to remind you to take breaks regularly.
IV. Elevate Your Experience: Enhance Your Reading with Accessories
Reading on your iPad can be a comfortable and convenient experience, and with the right accessories, it can be even better. Here are some accessories that can enhance your reading experience:
A. Consider a stylus for easier highlighting and note-taking
A stylus can make it easier to highlight text and take notes on your iPad. With a stylus, you can write and draw with greater precision and control, making it easier to annotate your reading materials. Look for a stylus that’s comfortable to hold and responsive to your touch.
B. Use a screen protector to reduce glare and smudges
Using a screen protector can reduce glare and smudges on your iPad’s screen, making it easier to read. A screen protector can also protect your iPad’s screen from scratches and other damage. Look for a high-quality screen protector that’s easy to install and doesn’t interfere with your iPad’s touch sensitivity.
C. Try a pair of blue light-blocking glasses for extended reading sessions
The best Blue light-blocking glasses can help reduce eye strain and fatigue during extended reading sessions. These glasses filter out the blue light emitted by electronic screens, which can disrupt your sleep and cause eye strain. Look for glasses that are comfortable to wear and have a high level of blue light protection.
D. Use an iPad Holder for Reading in Bed
Reading in bed can be a cozy and comfortable way to unwind, but it can also lead to neck and shoulder strain if you’re holding your iPad for extended periods. An iPad holder can help you find a comfortable reading position without having to hold your iPad. Look for a holder that can be attached to your headboard or bedside table, and that allows you to adjust the angle and height of your iPad. This will help you find the most comfortable reading position for your neck and shoulders, and allow you to read for longer without discomfort. Additionally, an iPad holder can help prevent accidental drops or damage to your device while reading in bed.
In conclusion, reading on your iPad can be a comfortable and enjoyable experience with a few simple adjustments and accessories. By adjusting your iPad settings, reducing eye strain with the right lighting, improving your ergonomics, and enhancing your reading experience with accessories like a stylus, screen protector, blue light-blocking glasses, and an iPad holder for reading in bed, you can make your reading experience on your iPad more comfortable and convenient. Whether you’re reading for pleasure, work, or study, these tips and accessories can help you get the most out of your iPad and enjoy reading without discomfort. So, go ahead and grab your iPad, apply these tips, and enjoy the comfort of reading on your device!
e-Readers with e-ink display cause less eye strain than tablets with LED, LCD, or OLED display. It is because, an E-ink display does not emit any light that would cause eye strain, similar to reading a real paper book.
Reading books on e-readers doesn’t strain your eyes in the slightest. The only thing you miss with e-ink is the feeling of reading old books which is about as tiring as reading anything else for too long.
Why you get eye-strain when you read ebooks on a screen?
The main reasons for eye strain are the backlight from the screen, the flicking effect of a screen, and exposure to blue light.
If you do not take steps to protect your eyes by wearing the right glasses, using a program designed for reducing eye strain and blue light, and taking rest periodically, then you will develop symptoms such as headaches, dry eyes, blurred vision, and red eyes.
How to refresh you eyes if you feel eye-strain?
When using a tablet or phone for reading, there are certain things you can do to relieve eye strain.
One thing you can do is take a break every 20-30 minutes. This allows your eyes to relax and reduces the risk of getting burnt out from overusing them.
Try splashing cold water into your eyes, or using artificial tears.
Another thing you can do is hold the device at least 16 inches away from your face.
Doing eye exercise can also help. For example, look at a faraway object. When you feel a stitch in your eyes, blink them quickly so you can release the tension. Practicing this will make the muscles in your eyes stronger.
How to avoid eye strain while reading on a tablet at first place?
If you prefer to read on a tablet rather than paper, make sure you minimize the blue light coming out of it. This can be done either by putting your tablet into Night mode or by wearing temporary blue-light-blocking glasses while reading.
Pros and Cons of ereader
+ eye-friendly
+ read in direct sun without glare
+ read at night without disturbing your sleep
+closest in the feeling of reading a book
+ Weeks of battery time
+ Helps you focus on reading without distraction
— Slow refresh rates
— only black and white color
— Cannot multitask, watch videos, play games
Pros and sons of tablets
+ Bright Vibrant display that looks cool
+ Multitasking, Can play games, browse the web, watch videos
— Causes eye strain
— Keep you awake while reading in bed
— Not the best when reading in direct sunlight
Which one should I choose, a tablet or an reader?
Get an e-reader, If you enjoy reading books as most of the audience does. It gives you a weeks-long battery time, ability to read on a beach, in bed, or while traveling without worrying about the battery. Most importantly, it is more eye-friendly.
Get a tablet, if you want a device that can do more than just reading. You can browse the web, watch movies and do some work too.
Now you have understood where the tablet shines the most and when you want to read on e-readers.
Which e-reader is best for eye starin
There are a few companies that produce readers, Most popular is kindle. Other companies include kobo, nook, and onyx. Check this post on best e-readers for 2021
Which tablet is the best for reading?
If you want an iOS tablet then the most popular option is the iPad. And if you want to get an Android tablet, the best option is to get the latest Amazon Fire Tablet.
Is kindle better for eyes than iPad?
The Kindle is better for reading for a long time while the iPad can cause eye stress if you read for a long time. Also, the kindle lasts a lot more time on a single charge than the iPad.
Ziraki is a comfortable back support reading pillow with arms for reading in bed. Filled with shredded memory foam that has two benefits, 1) Conforms to your body shape to enhance support 2) Better air circulation prevents sweating. The cover is soft velour that feels plush and cozy, but it is not removable – just spot-clean in case of spills. Perfect for adults as its height is 18’’ large size. Carry it easily with the handle on top. It is inexpensive and comes with 100% satisfaction guarantee.
In this Ziraki backrest reading pillow review, you will get to know if you should get this for reading in bed. What are the pros, cons and benefits of this pillow? Plus, a summary of all the user reviews to save your time. At the end, you will also know about the other alternatives to consider before getting this pillow.
Best suited If you are looking for a reading pillow on a tight budget then this is great choice. This inexpensive pillow is neither has adjustable firmness, not a removable cover, but it provides you with the much needed support and comfort while reading in bed. The only downside according to users is, it does not maintains its shape over time. You get what you pay for.
Inexpensive – A third of the cost of other premium quality pillows
Plush velour cover feels soft and luxurious
Shredded foam allows better air flow
Shredded foam molds to your body shape to provide personalized support and comfort.
Head, neck, back and arms support
Polyester cover is easy to Spot clean
Money back satisfaction guarantee.
Size: 18″ Height x 15″ Width on top x 26″ Width arm to arm, 10’’ long arms
Large size for adults upto 5’9″ 265lbs.
The cover is not removable
Does not maintains its shape over time
It comes in a vacuum pack that takes time, up-to three days, to get filled completely. You might also have to knead the pillow to make it even and smooth.
It does not stand on its own, you need to support it by a wall or the headboard.
There might be a slight odor that will disappear in a week of use. This happens in most of the shredded foam reading pillows that come in vacuum packing.
Ziraki Inexpensive Shredded Foam Reading Pillow for Bed Benefits
Large size for adults
Size: 18″ Height x 15″ Width on top x 26″ Width arm to arm, 10’’ long arms . This is perfect for adults of size upto 5’9″ 265lbs, according to a user.
Soft, yet firm
This pillow on the softer side of the spectrum. It provides supports as well but the overall feel is soft and cozy.
Comfortable for reading in bed
It is super comfortable to relax and read in bed.
Great arms support
It has long arms that are high enough that you can rest your elbows or forearms on them. This will relive stress while you are reading while holding books in you hands.
Perfect size – large but not too bulky
It is perfect for adults, teens, kids or elders. But it is not too bulky or heavy to the point that it becomes difficult to move around.
Takes the shape of your back to provide max support
It has a shredded memory foam filling that easily takes the shape of your back to provide better support. Both the upper back and the lower back get supported well. This also ensure that it keeps its bounce for longer time which is not possible with wedge reading pillows that are in single piece foam
Cover is easy to clean
If you have dogs, their hair will not cling to it and spill roll off easily. The leftover spill can be easily spot clean. It is because, the material is does not absorb the stains.
Good for the price
The price is one third of any other high quality pillow. Considering a lot of users who are satisfied with the purchase, this is not a bad option.
User reviews summary
More than 60 percent of the uses love this pillow. This is low as compared to the other back rest reading pillows. The users love the comfort and support it provides them while reading in bed, watching TV or just relaxing.
The users who did not like the product complain about its firmness and durability. They say that It is not as firm, and lose its shape over time, like a year. (Almost all the reading pillows have the same kind of negative reviews. It is because, one pillow cannot satisfy everyone. Buy the solution to this is to get a reading pillow with adjustable firmness, i.e. husband pillow. It allows you to add or remove shredded foam to increase or decrease the firmness. I mean, if you need more support, then remove some of the foam. And if you need it to be soft and cushiony, then get some foam removed.)
This is what you can expect from an inexpensive reading pillow for more durable pillow check out the best reading pillows (links in alternative section below)
It seems like the users who love it, the love it the most. And the users who hate it, they got a defective piece. But the company did not responded to those users, which is contrary to that fact that they were offering 100% satisfaction guarantee.
I have written an article on Best husband pillows. Check that to find the close alternatives to this pillow.
If you are looking for the detailed review of Zoemo backrest reading pillow with arms rest and neck roll, then stay tuned. Here, you will get to know the pros and cons of this pillow. What are its benefits for bookworms who love to read at night? What do other users like and dislike about this pillow? And lastly, who should buy it and who should not?
Zoemo backrest reading pillow with arms rest and neck support
Click the image to get the price and more info on Amazon about Zoemo bed Rest Reading Pillow review
Zoemo reading pillow is a great choice for reading, or sitting up in bed. It is soft, cushion, yet firm enough to support your lower back and neck, for reading in bed comfortably. With its support, you can read in an ergonomic posture, and read for long hours without hurting your neck or back.
It is filled with polyester fibre which maintains its shape over long time. The cover is removable and is made of soft, and breathable velour. It feels plush and comfortable.
Consider this before buying: It is a high quality reading pillow that lasts long while maintaining its shape and firmness. If you measure it on the scale from soft to hard, then this will be more on softer side and less on firmer side or the scale. You do not have the option to add or remove the filling to adjust the firmness like you have in husband pillow. The cover is not cotton. If you do not like the pillow, then the customer service is prompt and awesome.
Pros and Benefits
Super Comfortable pillow for reading and relaxing in bed
Back, neck, head, and arms support while reading in bed
Detachable Neck roll of memory foam, attaches with buttons.
Handle at the top for easy carrying
Pocket at the side arm
Premium quality
High resilient , maintains its shape
Filled with premium cluster ball fibre that makes it supportive and comfortable.
Breathable pillow with less heat
10″ arm 33″ bottom length
For adults and kids
Silky soft, breathable velour cover – not cotton
3 year warranty.
24/7 customer support
Removable cover with wide zipper at the bottom
Filled fully – No complains about slouchyness
Pockets not too deep.
Needs support from the wall or from headboard
Dimensions 33 x 15 x 18 inches
Weight 5.9 pounds
Positive reviews summary
Very comfortable, soft and squishy. Yet firm enough to provide support to your back while reading in bed.
Neck roll can be used for neck support while leaning back, and used as a lumbar support while leaning forward.
Negative reviews summary
Less than 20 percent of the users do not like the product much, but they still loved the comfort of this reading pillow. Plus the Zoemo customer service was prompt, and offered them satisfactory solutions. This gives you the peace of mind that if anything gets worse, you will be given the care that you deserve.
The problems they face are: neck roll hurting, not for back support but for the comfort, pockets not as deep as
There is a whole selection of reading pillows that are great alternative to this pillow.
Here is the link to the best husband pillow that are similar alternative to this pillow.
If you need a pillow for reading in bed, or sitting up for watching tv then this provides comfortable support to your body. But do not get it if you need medical support after surgery. Before buying, check husband pillow review as well.